Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back Room Deal?

  Council Persons John Gretz, Pam Dodson, Jake Jacobi, and Jim Shelton, voted in favor of approving a severance package for Police Chief Pabon during SCCM on Sept 29th, 2011. (Rita Davis was absent)
  This agreement in the severance package was drafted by the Windcrest City Attorney and I find this extract appalling: 

   (Chief Pabon is the Employee) 

“… Employee understands that this agreement not to disclose applies to everyone to whom Employee may so disclose, specifically including, but not limited to all citizens of the City, present and former employees of the City, applicants for any position with the City, and any persons or entities with actual or proposed business dealings with the City.”….(emphasis added)

  What is going on when the City Attorney includes wording in an agreement that even the existence of this agreement can NOT be disclosed to any persons, Specifically Citizens of Windcrest. 

  The same City Attorney denied an open records request for a copy of the Severance Agreement. However, the Texas Attorney General issued an opinion the city had to release the Severance Agreement.

The total cost to the City of Windcrest for this Severance Package was $49,360.27. 

 Now Consider this:

  1. The Motion was approved Sept 29th during the 3pm council meeting.
  2. The Check was signed and Dated Sept 28th!!!  The day before Council Met!!

Yes!! Check  was cut BEFORE council voted to approve Chief Pabon’s Severance Package!!!

Is this not proof positive of a back room deal?  Seems the council meeting and vote was for SHOW folks, the decision had already been made.  

  Do you think signing a check prior to Council approval violated city finance policies and procedures?  

  Windcrest needs NEW leadership!