Last Saturday the Windcrest City Manager, Rafael Castillo, was involved in a street fight right in front of Windcrest City Hall. Literally next to the Christmas tree in front of City Hall. This fight, altercation, scuffle, or what ever you want to call it, involved an exchange of blows and some injuries. The altercation was between the City Manager and a Windcrest Citizen.
In most cities such unprofessional conduct by a city official would result in the immediate termination of the City Manager. How professional is that to become involved in fist-a-cuffs right in front of City Hall? It's hard to imagine Rafael Castillo keeping the job of City Manager after such an encounter. But, this is Windcrest folks, a city well known for skirting professional conduct, so who knows what is next. Will citizens need a Police escort to visit City Hall?
Recently the nation has been considering adding body cameras to Police officers to record everything. Seems Windcrest should add body cameras to their Public Officials, NOT their Police officers.
One would hope the altercation is under investigation, but that has not been confirmed.