Ex council person, John Gretz, filed a complaint against Council Person Pam Dodson on December 15, 2015. The hearing for those allegations was Thursday, Feb 11, 2016. The original allegation listed four alleged violations. The city attorney found three to have no merit, so only one allegation that being, "... Committed malfeasance in office by interfering with an investigation by the animal control officer of a violation of Section 6-65 relating to the keeping of fowl within the city limit.( 20143) " was considered at the hearing on Feb 11, 2016, 9am.
John Gretz, said I'm a retired military Officer, so I speak the truth. His opening statement was void of any Facts, everything had to do with the quoting the law, no facts!
Wow, John Gretz filed charges against a sitting council person based on What? The events in question occurred in 2014. John Gretz only became aware of the entire situation on Oct 29, 2015.
So how did he become aware of the situation? He received an e-mail from council person Jim Shelton. That e-mail was marked "Confidential", but shared.
There is no mention of Jim Shelton or John Gretz in the 2014 report, neither were ever involved.
I assume that's why Jim Shelton emailed John Gretz and enticed John to file the complaint. Jim knew he did not have any facts to support the charge, but John Gretz is a retired military officer, so if he says it's fact, everyone will believe him. Jim Shelton is the senior councilperson and from this action is also the Senior Puppeteer!
Now the rest of the story! The animal control officer contacted his supervisor and discussed the issue. That supervisor left Windcrest police department several years ago, but he attended the hearing Thursday. He testified that he made the call to not file charges over the chickens all by himself. He never spoke with Pam Dodson and was not aware if she even knew about the incident, her name did not come up.
Now, you have an active police officer stating he made the call after discussing the issue with the animal control officer and you have John Gretz, retired officer, claiming Pam Dodson interfered with the investigation!
Do you suppose this is all sour grapes\? John Gretz was defeated in the November 2015 election and lost his seat on council.
Sadly, Jim Shelton is still on council for a few more months. He has exceeded his level of incompetence and needs to resign. Feeding an ex council person false facts just to charge a sitting council person is a new low for Windcrest.
Jim Shelton, Resign now, avoid further embarrassment, Please!