Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Missing in Action- Government Relations Officer

    Who is this Government Relations Officer?  Do you know?  Have you ever seen a monthly Department Head report to Council from the Government Relations Officer?  Do such reports actually exist?    Turns out the Government Relations Officer is hiding in plain sight.

 The Government Relations Officer is  a Windcrest Tax Payers funded position that works 8 hours per month.

 You may have read the paper last week where Robert Colunga and Thomas Pittman, both Windcrest employees where formally charged with a Felony concerning a HOA.

At the May 2nd council meeting, Mayor Baxter addressed the Robert Colunga's felony charges and said, "....he works for WEDC and they are having a special meeting Friday evening to address that issue."

Well, back in 2012 Mayor Baxter told council that  Mr. Robert Colunga was a contractor for WEDC and contractors can work for multiple entities.  Mayor Baxter then introduced a resolution which added Mr. Colunga to the Windcrest City Employee Health Benefits plan in exchange for working an additional 8 hours per month.   Mr. Colunga was given the title of Government Relations Officer.   So why did the Mayor not include this information during his comments on May 2nd.

  This is the "Half Truth's" and "Misleading" information Mayor Baxter prefers.

  The Why:  The Premiums for the City Employee Health Benefits Plan Mr Colunga received were paid by his working 8 additional hours per month.  However, the Windcrest taxpayer funded Health Savings Account (HSA) in the amount of some $4,400 per year was totallyFree!.

  Mayor Baxter slipped a Government Relations Officer agenda item into a special meting on a Thursday night.  see below:

May 12, 2016 
Executive Session 6:00 P.M.
1.. City Council will convene into an open session to discuss and take possible action on the appointment of a Municipal Finance Officer.

2. City Council will convene into an open session to discuss and possibly take action on the employement status of the Government Relations Officer.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Puppeteer Replies

  Most courts simply throw out "Hear Say" evidence.  During the proceeding against Ms. Dodson it became evident that the accuser, Mr. John Gretz did not have any first hand knowledge of what happened.  His complaint was completely bogus!  He was fed the info by Mr. Shelton.  Now Mr. Shelton replies to the recent post indicating he knew the real facts and the original research was flawed.  How does he profess to "know" the real facts?   He was not present during either police visit, and the officer(s) involved made full reports and no where did they mention anything about Mr. Jim Shelton being present or being a witness to anything!  Citizens are encouraged to do the right thing, Mr. Shelton should have come forward and testified to what he witnessed first hand.  Oh Wait!  Mr. Shelton did not witness anything so what now.  He then spoon feeds the gossip to the gullible Mr. Gretz and Mr. Gretz regurgitates the information as fact during the proceedings.
  This was a witch hunt, plain and simple.  Mr. Shelton played Mr. Gretz like a puppet!  So now Mr. Shelton is still trying to seek justification for his foul play.  Mr. Shelton chose to comment on this blog in a vain attempt to gather support for his actions.  The facts came out during the official proceedings and none of those facts support Mr. Shelton's claim.

  Mr. Shelton knew his information was second hand hear say, clouded by time yet he still initiated a deceptive plan and convinced Mr. Gretz to follow thru with the plan.

  Mr. Shelton should post the official documents that support his claim.  He did not bring forth any official documents during the proceeding.

 Many witnessed the proceeding where Mr.Shelton played Mr. Gretz, that was public.  Privately many citizens believe Mr. Shelton was being played by a higher authority.