Some married couples never let their check book balance fall below a certain amount, like a reserving a little money for unexpected emergencies. Some may even call it an emergency fund, but it's still part of your Check Book Balance. It’s simply an amount you try very hard not to spend.
The City of Windcrest does the same thing, only the check book is called the General Fund and each year council tries to end the year with a surplus. The surplus for unexpected emergencies was nearly zero at one time, but this administration has increased the emergency fund a little each year, the increases vary depending on the end of year General Fund Balance. Currently citizens have between 4 and 5 months operating expenses saved back in the event the sales tax stream suddenly dries up.
If council spends more money than originally budgeted it has to comes from the General Fund.
Council approved a Budget Amendment (Feb 2016) which moved dollars from the General Fund to the Park/Recreation budget for lights and other things. This means the FY 16-17 General Fund Beginning Balance will be less than originally planned. That effectively reduces the amount being saved for rainy days.
The FY ends Sept 30, 2016, so it's to early to predict the FY Ending General Fund Balance. Windcrest citizens hope it ends healthy, so when it's added to the projected revenue sources expected for FY 16-17 council can fund the city and even have a little extra sitting there for emergencies.
Don't be worried, the General Fund Balance is in good shape. The FACT is the General Fund Balance was reduced by the Ordinance, is not a problem. That reduction in effect was from what would have been surplus, or as many say Rainy Days Funds. So yes, the money transferred for Park Lighting reduced the amount available for emergencies, ie Rainy Day Fund. It becomes very confusing when terms like Rainy Day, Surplus and Extra Funds are used when discussing Finances. Finance people have their own financial language, they don't use these easy Terms.
The charge is False. Those characters walking the Petition around Windcrest are telling less than the truth.
Refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is another charge. It is against the law for anyone to require another to recite the Pledge. SCOTUS ruled such in 1943.
Some may not agree with the ruling, but SCOTUS is the final word. She is doing nothing wrong, but anyone trying to coerce her into reciting the Pledge is breaking the law. Those walking the streets of Windcrest requesting signatures for their petition which #6 states refuses to recite the Pledge are breaking the law and it's just Wrong.
This Petition is False at face value. The City Attorney should send it back, INVALID.