Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Moral Compass Failure

 Windcrest had three city council members violate the Texas Open Meeting Act.  One of those three, James McFall was removed from Council for a lack of votes.  The other two in the video are up for election this November.  Windcrest should send these two packing with a lack of Votes also.

  Plus, get this, Since being removed from Council last year, James McFall has filed for a different Place on Council.  This amounts to a slap in the face to Windcrest Citizens.  One does not change the spots by filing for a different place.

  Jim Shelton is part of this scheme too.  Jim Shelton filed for Place 3, not his current Place 2.  So James McFall files for Place 2 and these two thinks they can dupe Windcrest Voters.

  These fella has no shame, their Moral Compass's have failed beyond repair.  It's time to send them packing.

 Windcrest deserves Leadership with a fine upstanding Moral Compass.  Vote to get the Windcrest Ship moving in the right direction again.

Vote for:
               Frank Archlutta, Place 1
                                                             Joan Pedrotti, Place 2

                                                                                                      Pam Dodson, Place 3