Monday, September 25, 2017

Do You Pay Taxes?

  Do You Pay Your Taxes?  Most Windcrest citizens have the integrity necessary to comply with the law of the land.  However, it appears two leaders in Windcrest don't comply with paying their taxes until sued by the State of Texas, Bexar County.

Mayor Alan Baxter Deliquent Taxes have previously been exposed.

Bertie "Sue" Alexander, President of Windcrest Economic Development Corporation Board
Sue Alexander (Bertie) is also President of WCID10 Water Board.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

True to Character

  The Mayor is true to his character.  This is the latest THREAT and it's posted at Windcrest City Council chambers.  Never mind that this does not apply, See the video Here.
  This Penal Code referenced below is for Church gatherings.  

Image may contain: text

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Windcrest Newsletter Political? You Think?

  Have you noticed the Political slant in the newsletter recently?  The water district has never been afforded more than a very short column every few months, suddenly a HUGE splash!  That's because the Mayor's competition is on the Water District's Board.

   Take a minute to look at the Newsletter Committee below, I think you will get the drift.  This committee could double as a council meeting in my book.

Members of the newsletter Committee:

*Mayor Alan Baxter – Candidate for Mayor
 Gayle Baker
 Col. Henry Berman
*David Diaz – Spouse of Councilmember 
 Carolyn Freeman
 Ruth Fritz
 Kelly Hamilton
*Edith Jacobi – Spouse of Councilmember
*Bel McFall – Spouse of Councilmember
 Betty Riggs
 Ursula Schaub
*Barbara Shelton- Spouse of Councilmember
 Gwen Wilson

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association Tax Files

Some Windcrest officials have stated in news articles and from the dais the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association does not file Federal Taxes.  This was found posted today and shows the last 3 years of tax filings.  The blog states others are forthcoming.    It should also be noted that the IRS removes 501c  status from organizations that do not file the required tax forms.  The Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association, Inc has no issues with the IRS.  The rumors some are spreading is simply not true.  Enough said?  

Oct 1, 2013 ending Sept 20, 2014
Oct 1, 2014 ending Sept 30, 2015
Oct 1, 2015 ending Sept 30, 2016

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bond Coming and Not 007

 Mayor Baxter addressed citizens during council meeting (2016) and said the Streets in Windcrest were Not that Bad.  Listen to the City Council video recording yourself  ( see video here)

 Now August 30, 2017 agenda states:"The City Council has determined that there is a critical need for street repairs and improvements in the city limits that cannot be paid for through street maintenance sales taxes and normal property taxes. In order to meet the critical need  the City Council could call a Bond Election "

  Jim Shelton, street committee and the mayor have been saying for the past three years.  Street repairs will begin after light up.  How many times have you hear this statement?.

 Jim Shelton stated during the August council meeting.  If Citizens want their street repaired they will have to vote for the Bond.  

  The Bond issue is scheduled to appear on the November 2017 Election Ballot.

Council has no idea how many Millions would be in the Bond.  When asked if the Bond was strictly for streets, the answer was No, we could use it for whatever we wanted.  Note the words "and improvements" in the agenda wording.

Several Citizens have stated the Tax Rate should not be lowered, that's money for our Streets and Alleys, yet each year Council has lowered the Tax Rate.  Mostly to get Elected many say,  now council state there is not sufficient property tax funds to repair the streets.

 A true example of mismanagement.  

 Let your voice be heard vote for Change in November.