FLASH! Did you know, in March 2018, The Windcrest Fire Department DID NOT Respond to a 911 call? Not excessively late, just plain DID NOT RESPOND at all.
Serious stuff folks, for sure. 1st time every so I hear.
I know your thinking middle of the night, right? No folks, the call came in on/about 8 A.M. on a WeekDay!!
The Fire Chief told City Council, NO ONE was available! Yet, his March report to council shows average response time 6 minutes and change. Fuzzy math for sure.
Now April 16 the Mayor had requested someone from the Bugle Crew attend city council to discuss their contract. Guess What! Another NO SHOW! Fire Chief said they were either Working or Out of Town! (have your heard that before)
Is this what you Want? If Not, Vote FOR on Proposition 1 and let the Bugle Crew become a permanent no show.