Dan Reese, current Mayor is running for re-election. During Dan's first year at the helm he had Gerd Jacobi constantly trying to derail everything. Jacobi motioned to TABLE important agenda items. Of course the three amigos stuck together so the block voted to approve Jacobi's motions.
Jacobi, Shelton, McFall. They took turns like a three many tag team, making hindering motions, quickly 2nd by the team, then voted 3-2 to pass the motions. Voters took notice and ran Jacobi off council.
Now the multi million dollar bond recently approved is being spend, Jacobi and Baxter want back into the action. These same tag team plus Baxter were involved in the so called $145.000 EDC loan to the City.
Windcrest need to keep moving forward. No re-runs of motions to Table, No re-runs of employees being cursed and berated by the Potty Mouth comments that ex Mayor Baxter is so found of providing. So after being Recorded (the recording is all over the web) Baxter and the three clowns set about to make it illegal for an employee to record conversations.
Baxter's recent sudden unexpected departure from his job at a local university maybe related to his mode of communication. No fear, he has surfaced in Kerrville with another job.
Windcrest citizens would do well to leave Baxter in Kerrville. His leadership style is not something Windcrest needs nor deserves.
He still has the three amigos doing his leg work placing signs anywhere they can.
Gerd "Jake" Jacobi has been on council before. He always went by 'Jake', but now he had dropped that name. Probably in an effort to improve his very tarnished image. Gerd "Jake' Jacobi will forever be know for his errotic behavior making senseless motions, like to Table agenda items, because he wants to discuss the next item.