Did you know we have a new hire, yes, an individual was hired as a Project Manager? He is being paid $2888.88 every two weeks. (No idea where that amount came from). That is $75,110.88 for the year (26 paydays)
Did you know he was hired as PART TIME? And being he was hired as part time a job application or resume was NOT required so the city does not have anything on record.
You will not see his name anywhere in the financial records, just an entry for contract labor every two weeks. This has to stop.
The other "Slush Fund" activity involves another contractor. This one is paid some $2750 per month, and the contract indicates "Not to exceed 20 hours per month." That's $2750 for only 20 hours of work, and not even that much really, it could be less than 20 hours too.
Did you read the San Antonio News about the Municipal Judges working less than 5 hours a day and one judge was quoted as saying, This is the sweetest Pig in town, don't say anything. I've got news for San Antonio, I believe Windcrest is in the running for the the Sweetest Pig award.
The current City Council approved both of the examples above last year and they both are still working in our City. Oh, you will not see them often, if at all. The new Project Manager after all does not have a contract or agreement detailing anything he does for the money. He is part time, Not required, remember?
Couple these two examples with the recent blog I read about our WEDC director getting some $90k from the EDC, plus receiving City employee health plan benefits for additional hours (doing??) for the mayor. Then has the gall to submit an invoice for overtime, which was paid. Paid, but out of the Special Legal Fees budget, not contractor work!
Also, the WEDC Director is a Contractor, and is listed in the financial records as Colunga Consulting Group, LLC. Then he also received the annual "Stipend" given to city employees. Giving a stipend to a LLC sound a bit questionable. You decide!
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