Thursday, October 22, 2015

Fleecing of Windcrest

James McFall and John Gretz have voted to "Fleece" the residents of Windcrest by voting yes on all the issues below.  They don't think for themselves, they just vote as the mayor directs.  He hold short meetings with three council members at a time.  I have seen the video.

Purchased 10 acre of water rights @ $70,000, said they would transfer to Water District.  Did Not happen

Contractor paid some $20,000+ then hid the payments in Special Legal Fees.

Another Contractor paid $1500 without a contract and hid the payments in Special Legal Fees.

Contractors work additional hours in exchange for City Health benefits.  Those hours cover the cost of the medical,but NOT the $4,000+ HSA each employee gets.  Oops, that was changed from employee to anyone receiving city health benefits.

Contractors given a Stipend along with all city employees.  Stipends were originally for city employees, then changed to say those receiving city health benefits.

McFall and Gretz both voted FOR each of the above examples.  

It's time for a change at City Hall.  Get the two McFall and Gretz off council.  They hardly ever contribute any dialog to motions.  I believe Jake mentioned once, "We know how we are going to vote before we start the meeting."  Need more be said.

Get out and Vote.. Stop the Fleecing of Windcrest.

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