Monday, July 29, 2013

Are New Car Ports Authorized?

    The Windcrest City Council sued David Cadenas over his carport.  He had an approved Windcrest building signed by the City Manager, Rafael Castillo.  A trial was held at city hall in the council chambers which doubles as a court room.  The trial ended in a hung jury.  I understand the statutes have expired for having another trial so I assume David's carport is now OK.

    The City of Windcrest put a moratorium on building carports, correct that, the moratorium was on approving carport Permits, while the car port issue was discussed.  The City Council extended the moratorium multiple times.

    During this moratorium prohibiting carports, a brand new carport was built at 626 Moorside Dr. This was built literately under the nose of a sitting council person that live only a few doors away.  The new car port went up over the holidays in 2012.

    An open records request was made for building permits for that location. Answer: None exist.  An inquiry to the Mayor resulted in the statement, it is in the lawyers hands.

    The carport is currently being utilized.  This enforces the saying, "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."

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