Friday, September 20, 2013

111 Acre Auction- Rest of the Story

On a previous blog you were asked to decide for your self if the Mayor was truthful when he said the 111 acres was NOT auctioned.    Since then a document was obtained from Bexar County Clerks office.  Document #20120100604 filed Dec 12, 2011.  Item 4. Terms of Sale.  states:  "The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash..."

  This document was posted the required 20 days prior to the sale.  It was posted at the court house and filed in the Bexar County records.  Nothing to decide now, the official document states the sale will be conducted as a Public Auction.

  A Citizens asked for an appology for both the writer and the citizens of Windcrest for saying the original statement about being auctioned was not true.  Mayor Baxter was quoted in the local Herald saying the PAC letter was lies, all fabricated.  Mayor Baxter still maintained it was not Auctioned.

  As Paul Harvey would say, "Now you have the rest of the Story."

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