Friday, October 28, 2016

Some Don't Get It

 Some people feel entitled to the point they completely disregard human decency.  The Windcrest City Council approved changes to the sign ordinance, which includes elections signs.  The ordinance dictates where political signs can be displayed on city property and also moved the Candidates Election Tents at Takas Park further down the parking lot.

 Last year the same individual parked two vehicles, plus two tent which took up 4 voter parking spaces.  The ordinance really did need changing, however, council overlooked the loop holes that the entitled seek.  Complain and he would probably say, you'r a nay say'r, or worse.

  If you voted at Takas already you probably noticed this huge black truck taking up a handicapped parking space while the owner is sitting in a chair near by trying to convince Windcrest citizens to Vote for him.  That's like saying, "I don't follow the intent of Ordinances, or even, hey, I'm entitled.

Council should write a book, "Sign Ordinances for Dummies."


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