Saturday, November 25, 2017

Terminated! by Windcrest City Council

    Baxter's parting shot was to see a new non profit, ie WVFD Bugle Crew formed.  It was presented to council during an agenda item that involved the WVFD Tax Status.

   Baxter's council then motioned for the City Manager Authority to Negotiate and Finalize a Fire Protection agreement.  Three of his supports are still the majority on council.

 Remember all the campaign promises to keep the volunteer Fire Department?  Well, they did keep the name, but they have gutted the department by removing the Association which was the heart of the Volunteer Fire Department.

 The newly approved and finalized Fire Protection Agreement between Windcrest and the WVFD Bugle Crew, Terminates any and all Relationship with  WVFD Association.   The WVFD Association has raised millions of dollars since being formed, now they get a slap in the face.

Why?  All because Ex Mayor Baxter did not get his way.  Baxter demanded information from the WVFD Association and received what the law requires.  Baxter wanted more, to heck with what the law says.  He threatened to form a new Non Profit if he did not receive the information.,

  Also, this new WVFD Bugle Crew may Charge any resident or property owner for the provision of any service within Windcrest.  Yes folks, you may be charged for services provided under the new Volunteer Fire Department per the new agreement.

  Now our Volunteer Fireman are being told to either Join the Bugle Crew or be FIRED.  To date some 6+ fireman remained loyal to the citizens of Windcrest and have been FIRED.

  During the Nov 20, 2017 City Council meeting there was a parade of Ex Volunteer fireman that told their story to council.  It's all on the Council Video.

  Visit  to read the Fire Agreement!

Check out this web page for all the documents amd videos:

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