Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Windcrest Trailer Park or Worse?

On July 18, 2013, the WEDC board approved a motion for  "Termination of Restrictive Covenants" .  The original document is on file at Bexar County and details the prohibited establishments for the 111 acres of newly annexed property. These are NO longer prohibited.

previous WEDC board had the foresight to establish a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants back in August 2007 when the property was purchased by WEDC.  This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants prohibited a laundry list of businesses.  Trailer/Mobile Home Parks, Sexually Oriented businesses, small Used Car Lots are only a few of the businesses Prohibited by this Deed Declaration.

 The Current WEDC Board members saw fit to completely undo the valuable work of past WEDC boards and approved a motion to Terminate the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in its entirety!!    Note, this current WEDC board was hand picked by the current Mayor.  Get It?

 Are Trailer Home Parks coming to Windcrest?  Hope not!  No Longer prohibited, who knows?

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