Thursday, October 31, 2013

Windcrest -Millions Missing- Misleading Statements

 The City of Windcrest is back in the news.  Misleading statements made by Mayor Alan Baxter and missing dollars were reported in a newspaper story this week.

 City Councilman, James McFall is running unopposed.  His wife Bel was quoted in an October 29th My SA newspaper saying residents are upset about many things, including allegations of millions of missing dollars. Another person said she was concerned about misleading statements made by incumbent Mayor Alan Baxter.

Maybe the above has some bearing on why the approved 2013-14 budget has not been released.  The Mayor and Council may not want the citizens to see the actual budget before the Election day.  It has been suppressed for most of early voting.  Early voting ends tomorrow, Friday, November 1st, 2013.   period and right now the FY 2013-14 Approved budget is nowhere to be found.  Is this because James McFall and his wife know more than Windcrest Citizens?  You gotta believe, that if James McFall knows, then John Gretz (running city council for place 5) also knows.  Evidently the entire council knows something along with the Mayor and city manager, because the budget is not available for citizens to view.  Oh, the Proposed budget is online, but that one does not have the full facts.

 Last year the 2013 budget was placed on the web site on Nov 1st, but only after several citizens complained to the Attorney General's office.  Did the complaint have any affect on the release?  One would believe not, being the same thing is happening this year.

 I fail to recognize any reason for not posting the approved budget on the effective date of October 1st.

After-all, Council worked the budget for several months, had two public hearing and still can't post the budget by the effective date.  Why not?   Early voters would have had ample time to review the budget before casting their vote.  If the approved budget is posted between now and election day, citizens will have little time to review and digest the content.  I expect the FY 2013-14 budget will be placed on the city web page soon, but too late for many voters.  Is that the plan?

  For example, on the proposed budget, one department shows being $102,000 over budget.  Yes, they projected to spend $102,000 more than the expected revenue.    What was the City Manager, Rafael Castillo thinking?  The City Manager, I believe,  is suppose to present a balanced budget to council.

 According to the reporter, literature handed out by Alan Baxter and John Gretz supporters claim funding by Impact Windcrest PAC, but Impact Windcrest wasn't listed with the Texas Ethics Commission as a registered PAC.  Windcrest Wins, PAC is registered with the Ethics commission.  Because Windcrest does not offer postal boxes, the PAC uses a San Antonio PO box for correspondence.

Place 5 candidate Dennis Allen sat with members of political action committee Windcrest Wins under a white tent. Mr. Allen is a newbie to politics; Windcrest Wins also endorsed Mark Perry, who is challenging Baxter.  Windcrest needs a change in leadership, Mark Perry and Dennis Allen represent this change!!

Read the entire article here:  Sleeper Election\\\

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