She is being paid out of City funds, yet listed as reporting to the WEDC Director. The Finance Director briefed council when her contract was extended that there was $24,000 already in the contractor line so no problem. Would you find it Strange to know that that account still has $24,000 available, Why, that can't be correct! Yes it is, NOTHING spend this year to date from that sub code. Don't be fooled by all the hot air about this administration being an open and transparent administration? The real proof is already in the books and easily accessed. Look at the Check Register listing, she is there. But that does not show which account the money was charged, it just show the amount and date paid etc.
That's because the expenses are being HIDDEN by paying this contractor from the Special Legal Fees account. That way the books will never show a Contractor working and costing Windcrest $49,000 since being hired.
The "Special Legal Fees" is what I would call a "Slush" fund. Charge whatever you want to that account, no one will ever know.
Not only does the current council condone this, they participated when they renewed her contract, which is going on 19 months at $2750. You will not see her about city hall. The City Manager, Rafael Castillo is also involved as he dictates to the Finance Director as to which account to charge these expenses. No idea where she gets her directions from, but she is surely being paid a health sum for whatever she does. This is no fault of Ms. Cedillo, she just collect the money.
This is NOT the only INAPPROPRIATE charge made to special legal fees, there is another smoking gun for later.
It's time for a Changing of the Guard. Elect Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott, to get these shameful practices stopped and maybe replacing the CM with a competent CM.
This CM is lost, this job is over his head for sure. Of course he maybe getting coaching, but that is speculation.
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