Thursday, October 30, 2014

Liar, Who Me?

  The mayors blog has a whole list of things labeled Lies.  Funny, he did not add this one.

 Mayor Baxter stated the city bought an additional 1 acre foot of water for $200, then corrected that to $300.
 Now a posts comes out where the Public Works Director submits a request to the Golf Course for $300, described as "Service".  The Golf Course submits an Invoice, titled Misc.  A blog suggested it must be for food and gang gatherings at the Golf Course, because there were 2 different invoices for $300 each and the Mayor had already stated the city only paid $300.
  Who is Lying now?

Next a citizens email Pam Dodson concerning the possibility of the $$ to the Golf Course was for Food and free golf carts.  Pam replied, NO, those invoices were for WATER for the pond.

Someone LIED!!!  Mayor said $300 to fill the pond, Pam says both invoices were for water to fill the pond.

  The Mayor said $300 so now they have to cover their tracks.  The PW Director submits the order called simply Services when he could have been OPEN a& TRANSPARENT and said the truth, Water.

  The Mayor can't double talk his way out of this.  The invoices have different numbers and the Golf Course check was for $600.

  There is a saying you can tell when a teenager is lying, it's when the teenager's lips are moving.

So here we have a LIAR calling the kettle black.  Very Disturbing I do believe.

Vote for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott and you will get the TRUTH.  Straight forward, OPEN and TRANSPARENT, down to earth Truth, Not Lies.

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