Saturday, October 24, 2015

"Liar", "dishonest", and "Untrustworthy"

    A Quinnipiac University poll, in which 61% of respondents indicated they did not believe Hillary was honest and trustworthy.  Worse, when voters were asked the first word that came to mind about Clinton, the top three replies were (in order of popularity) "liar," "dishonest," and "untrustworthy."

 Now fast forward to Oct 21, 2015, a Windcrest senior citizen wrote a "letter to the editor," which was published in The Northeast Herald.

  • She writes, "I have been a resident of Windcrest for 45 years and never in all those years have I received such twisting of facts that border on manufactured lies." 
  • She goes on to say "The current mayor and council seem to have a major problem following the City Charter.  Four of the members do not contribute opinions or new ideas to the agenda or during any meeting; life-sized posters would be just as effective."
  • She says "... is not happy with recent mail-outs and knows the difference between truth and actual falsehoods. 
 In my opinoin if Quinnipiac University conducted a poll the results would be much the same.

Please get out and Vote.  Do NOT vote for those three on the Black Signs.

Vote for Archuleta, Vandenberg and Wright, these three will follow the Charter and bring Honesty and Truth back to the City Council!

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