Monday, October 26, 2015

McFall need to Fall

 James McFall is running for re-election to Place 4 on the Windcrest City Council.  As a recent article in the NE Herald said, he has contributed very little since being appointed to a vacant seat on council.  The article mentions you may as well have Life size Cardboard Cuts up there, at least your expectation would be realized.
  John Gretz is his silent partner.  They both contribute almost nothing to the discussions.  That tells me they have already had their discussions before arriving at council.  Of course they will deny ever having a quorum, and the walking quorum is difficult to pin down.  Actions speak louder than words, so have a look at the recorded council videos. Some times they fidget in the chair, but otherwise could pass for the life size Posters mentioned in the NE Herald.
  Vote to remove these two.  Do Not vote for the three on the Black Signs.

  Vote for Kim Wright, not Mcfall and Vote for Matt Vandenberg, not Gretz.  Get some live individuals up there in stead of Posters.

  The Spokesperson for this group (when he is not cussing out employees) does ALL the talking and cuts off anyone trying to discuss a possible Con to any issue.

Vote Frank Archuleta for Mayor, not Baxter.  

It's time for Change, Please get out and Vote.

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