Monday, September 26, 2016

Windcrest, Liquid Web? OUT Rackspace Next?

The City of San Antonio and Bexar county are providing Economic Development Incentive Grants dollars to Liquid Web to entice Liquid Web to move to  DownTown San Antonio.  What is Windcrest WEDC doing about this?  Have you heard anything?  
 See the entire article at

Liquid Web Aims to Develop in Downtown San Antonio

San Antonio EDF
SAN ANTONIO (September 22, 2016) – Liquid Web, (, a $100 million web-hosting and managed cloud-services provider devoted to delighting customers, recently acquired the Cloud Sites business unit from Rackspace and is looking to establish a presence in downtown San Antonio. Both the San Antonio City Council and Bexar County Commissioners Court will consider granting Liquid Web incentives to assist in the company’s expansion within San Antonio’s developing downtown tech district.
“We are pleased that Liquid Web selected San Antonio as the best place to grow the business unit it recently acquired from homegrown company Rackspace,” said Mayor Ivy R. Taylor. “The company’s decision is a testament to San Antonio’s strengthening downtown tech district and to our developing, robust tech ecosystem.”
On September 29, City Council is scheduled to consider an up to $225,000 Economic Development Incentive Fund (EDIF) grant if Liquid Web hits its committed job milestones, which entails relocating and creating up to 100 jobs over the next four years at their new downtown location.
“We welcome and encourage Liquid Web to grow in San Antonio,” said Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff. “The average annual salary is estimated to be over $65,000 a year. This is a great addition to the high-wage job opportunities available in our community.”
In addition, Bexar County Commissioners Court will consider granting Liquid Web $150,000 from the Bexar County Innovation Fund on October 4. The proposed County agreement would require Liquid Web to create a minimum of 43 new jobs, retain 55, and remain in Bexar County for at least three years.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Windcrest City Attorney Helps Petitioners

  Everyone knows the Mayor Baxter is the owner of DBGIC Management, LLC. .  Mayor Baxter was interviewed a year or so back concerning the fact that Tom Garcia, (Windcrest, Public Works Director) was listed as the Manager of dbgic Management, LLC.  Tom Garcia had just recently been hired as the Public Works Director and there was question about his hiring process.
  The Plot thickens.  Fast forward to 2016 and we have a Petition to Recall a council member on the table.  The Petition Committee per the Windcrest City Charter must have some three members.
   There is currently some legal maneuvering concerning this Petition One document submitted to the courts is this email, (below)  which is part of the City Attorney, Michael Brenan's affidavit/statement.  Michael Brenan's own records state the email is "Comments from a person on the committee"  Note the senders address.  Yep! Dbgic, aka Mayor Alan Baxter!!  Wow, the Mayor sent a disguised email comment to the city attorney.  The replies made by the city attorney are not available.

  Is he trying to hide behind his management company's name?  It sure seems as though City attorney Michael Brenan believed it was from a committee member.  Why else was this document submitted to the courts?

  Ok, so the Dbgic email is an attempt to influence the courts to believe the Mayor's version of the process.  Now, you have to ask yourself, if the Mayor submitted a document reflecting Dbgic then how many more anonymous sender type documents were submitted.  It's time to replace the Windcrest City Council with people with Integrity and Honesty.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Does Rackspace being Sold affect Budget of Windcrest?

  Something to think about.  Rackspace, which accounts for the vast majority of Windcrest Sales Taxes, was recently sold.  Nothing indicates Rackspace will cease operations, but it sure causes one to pause.  What if?  Could Windcrest withstand a sales tax decrease?  Not based on this FY budget. Windcrest can not continue reducing property taxes and raising benefits and salaries.  
   Looking at these figures you quickly realize Windcrest is heavily dependent on Sales Taxes. The Property Taxes, which have been lower each year the past few years now do NOT even cover the cost of Personnel, let alone any Improvements.  Below you see the Personnel Costs amounts to more than TWICE the amount of property taxes collected.  
   These figures are from the Windcrest Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget posted on the City Web Page.
The Public Works and Police accounts were combined to provice a clear picture of the total personnel in those departments.
  Note: These are ONLY the Personnel Costs, they do NOT include the departments's other
budgeted costs  .

  Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget*
Beginning Fund Balance $2,255,118.46
     Revenue FY-2016-17
Property Taxes if rate .308092  $1,723,676.00
Sales Tax $2,272,142.00
Misc Revenue $112,501.54
sub total $4,108,319.54
Proposed FY 2016-17  Budget $6,363,438.00
Public Works Dept** $741,514.64
   Percent of Entire BudgetThis Dept Accounts for % of Entire Budget 11.65%
  This Dept accounts for % of Property Tax Revenue 43.02%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 32.64%
Police Dept $2,333,439.83
  This Dept Accounts for %of Entire Budget 36.67%
  This Dept account for % of Property Tax Revenue 135.38%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 102.70%
Total Personnel Costs Including Benefits  $3,860,907.69
  Total Personnel Cost % of Entire Budget*** 60.67%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Property Taxes*** 223.99%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 169.92%
*  City Web page figures  Sept 5 2016,  Figures DO NOT include anticipated 
     Salary Increases.

**Public Works DOES NOT Maintain Sewer Lines or Water Lines in
  Windcrest. The Sewer Lines and Water Line in Windcrest are
  maintained by the Bexar County WCID10 Water District.

*** Personnel Costs DO NOT Include City Attorney,IT Supt, Fire Inspector,  
     Building Inspector, Seasonal Pool employees