Saturday, September 10, 2016

Windcrest City Attorney Helps Petitioners

  Everyone knows the Mayor Baxter is the owner of DBGIC Management, LLC. .  Mayor Baxter was interviewed a year or so back concerning the fact that Tom Garcia, (Windcrest, Public Works Director) was listed as the Manager of dbgic Management, LLC.  Tom Garcia had just recently been hired as the Public Works Director and there was question about his hiring process.
  The Plot thickens.  Fast forward to 2016 and we have a Petition to Recall a council member on the table.  The Petition Committee per the Windcrest City Charter must have some three members.
   There is currently some legal maneuvering concerning this Petition One document submitted to the courts is this email, (below)  which is part of the City Attorney, Michael Brenan's affidavit/statement.  Michael Brenan's own records state the email is "Comments from a person on the committee"  Note the senders address.  Yep! Dbgic, aka Mayor Alan Baxter!!  Wow, the Mayor sent a disguised email comment to the city attorney.  The replies made by the city attorney are not available.

  Is he trying to hide behind his management company's name?  It sure seems as though City attorney Michael Brenan believed it was from a committee member.  Why else was this document submitted to the courts?

  Ok, so the Dbgic email is an attempt to influence the courts to believe the Mayor's version of the process.  Now, you have to ask yourself, if the Mayor submitted a document reflecting Dbgic then how many more anonymous sender type documents were submitted.  It's time to replace the Windcrest City Council with people with Integrity and Honesty.  

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