Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Does Rackspace being Sold affect Budget of Windcrest?

  Something to think about.  Rackspace, which accounts for the vast majority of Windcrest Sales Taxes, was recently sold.  Nothing indicates Rackspace will cease operations, but it sure causes one to pause.  What if?  Could Windcrest withstand a sales tax decrease?  Not based on this FY budget. Windcrest can not continue reducing property taxes and raising benefits and salaries.  
   Looking at these figures you quickly realize Windcrest is heavily dependent on Sales Taxes. The Property Taxes, which have been lower each year the past few years now do NOT even cover the cost of Personnel, let alone any Improvements.  Below you see the Personnel Costs amounts to more than TWICE the amount of property taxes collected.  
   These figures are from the Windcrest Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget posted on the City Web Page.
The Public Works and Police accounts were combined to provice a clear picture of the total personnel in those departments.
  Note: These are ONLY the Personnel Costs, they do NOT include the departments's other
budgeted costs  .

  Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget*
Beginning Fund Balance $2,255,118.46
     Revenue FY-2016-17
Property Taxes if rate .308092  $1,723,676.00
Sales Tax $2,272,142.00
Misc Revenue $112,501.54
sub total $4,108,319.54
Proposed FY 2016-17  Budget $6,363,438.00
Public Works Dept** $741,514.64
   Percent of Entire BudgetThis Dept Accounts for % of Entire Budget 11.65%
  This Dept accounts for % of Property Tax Revenue 43.02%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 32.64%
Police Dept $2,333,439.83
  This Dept Accounts for %of Entire Budget 36.67%
  This Dept account for % of Property Tax Revenue 135.38%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 102.70%
Total Personnel Costs Including Benefits  $3,860,907.69
  Total Personnel Cost % of Entire Budget*** 60.67%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Property Taxes*** 223.99%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 169.92%
*  City Web page figures  Sept 5 2016,  Figures DO NOT include anticipated 
     Salary Increases.

**Public Works DOES NOT Maintain Sewer Lines or Water Lines in
  Windcrest. The Sewer Lines and Water Line in Windcrest are
  maintained by the Bexar County WCID10 Water District.

*** Personnel Costs DO NOT Include City Attorney,IT Supt, Fire Inspector,  
     Building Inspector, Seasonal Pool employees

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