Saturday, March 4, 2017

Water District Money Drain

 The Water Board voted 3-2 to STOP  the Water District building a maintenance facility on Randolph blvd .   Stopping that project midstream cost the Windcrest rate payers over $100,000!  Now the board will declare the property surplus to our needs and proceed to sell the property,

  The RabaKistner report indicated a need for additional maintenance space

The Water Board President, Ms. Sue Alexander, in response to a citizen's comments that a Raba Kistner report established the maintenance facility was inadequate, stated  "people keep mentioning a Raba-Kistner report and that "Finding" but I have found  NO such report anywhere!  .
Really?  Raba-Kistner was hired by the City of Windcrest as considerable expense,  to recommend a Capital Investment program for the City.  R-K assessed every STREET and FACILITY in Windcrest and made recommendations on their assessments/findings.  The entire report was presented to Windcrest City Council.  Below is one slide in the presentation.

Ms Alexander and her crusaders are suggesting a 2400 Sq Foot facility would be adequate!    To h-ll with a reputable engineering firm's assessment.

Could it be because ONLY a 2400 sf facility will fit where Ms. Alexander wants to build?
.  .

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