Saturday, July 28, 2018

Windcrest Springbrook Development in Trouble

Remember, Springbrook Senior Development Investors already warned James McFall, Jim Shelton and Gerd "Jake" Jacobi they liked it "Quiet".  The Investors will get "Spoooked" if the recall noise continues.  We don't like recalls at all Busby said.
  After Springbrook Senior Development Investors warned the Windcrest City Council, McFall, Shelton and Jacobi,  secretly recruited three, rather slow, nitwits to conjure false charges and submit 3 Recall Petitions.   To add an "intimidation factor", James McFall and Gerd Jacobi demanded their wives, Bell and Edith, canvass citizens via Golf Cart with the petitions. Bell and Edith did not take No for an answer.  Instead, they had Signature Signing Parties at the local golf course where the original petition committee, John Gretz, Ronald Armes, Michael Eyhorn and councilman and their wives ensured enough entries had signatures to reach 490 signatures.  John Gretz even stated they had an additional 50 signatures the committee did not turn in. Why not John?
    Saturday, July 27, 2018 the San Antonio Express News article reads ..Fake signatures on election-related-petitions... signatures on a recall petition in the city of Windcrest seeking to remove the mayor and two council members have been called into question and prompted a criminal investigation. Among the suspect signatures are those of a deceased couple and those of the mayor being targeted in the recall drive.
    Springbrook Senior Development Investor are surely Red in the Face now.  What part of "We Like it Quiet" did you not understand Councilman Jacobi, McFall and Shelton? 

WOAI Interviews July 24, 2018
Exx Wiudcrest Councilman John Gretz Petition Chair
Co sponsors were Councilmen James McFall , Gerd Jacobi and Jim Shelton
Angry Citizen

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