Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Humiliation in Windcrest

 The Recall Petition Committee consists of John Gretz, Michael Eyhorn and Ronald Armes with assistance from Edith Jacobi and Bel McFall (names sound familiar?)  Yes, Councilman Gerd Jacobi and James McFall enlisted their wives to canvas Windcrest seeking signatures for the recall petition.
  Problem!  Citizens were not signing the Recall Petition for the newly elected Mayor and councilpersons.  
  The committee had to improvise quickly.  A hand written note was scribbled with headings of Street Repair and Economic Development Issues.  
  All citizens want the streets fixed, that's common knowledge.

  The committee then gathered more signatures using Street Repair and Economic Development Issues as the reason for distributing the petition.  Some say, if the lips are moving it's a lie!

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