Monday, September 10, 2018

Windcrest 7-11 Bond

Windcrest- Vote NO in Nov Street Bond- That bond will cost $4 Million in interest. Bad.  Below is from another blog:

 The 7-11 Bond is terrible.  Borrow $7.3 Million for 20 years totals $11 Million.

All Windcrest voters should vote NO to the two Bonds.  $7.4 Mil for Streets, which will ONLY repair 7 Streets.  OK, exactly what does Street Repair entail?  The projected cost involves three different types of repairs.
8" Mill/Overlay @ $89.40 per Sq Yard  (engineers says normal depth 2-10")
3" Mill/Overlay @ $27.62 per Sq Yard
Slurry Seal         @ $27,62 per Sq Yard   (All streets were had this in 2006)

Below are the 7 streets identified in the report with the projected cost of $7.4 Million, that will cost , $11 Million, over 20 Years.  Note: some streets get portions of each type of repair.

Balfour            8" Mill/Overlay, 3" Mill/Overlay and Slurry Seal.
Crestway         3" Mill/Overlay
Eagle Crest     8" Mill/Overlay
Fenwick          8" Mill/Overlay,   3" Mill/Overlay, Slurry Seal,
Midcrown       8" Mill/Overlay    3" Mill/Overlay
Windsor Hill   3" Mill/Overlay and Slurry Seal

When you think of Street Bond to repair streets one thinks of a total repair.  NOT the case here.  The 7 streets proposed for repair include, 6" overlay, 3" overlay and "Slurry Seal."  Read the engineers report carefully, the report indicates the repair to Midcrown alone could use the entire 7.4 Million, depending on what damage the contractor finds has occurred to the road base.  The engineer has indicated removing 8", but also says damage below that depth shall be repaired.
  The Engineer states the normal removal is from 2" to 10", yet his estimates is for 8".  What will be the cost of the additional "2"?  No indication in the report.

 The Fire Department $2 Million Bond was pure guess work, no documentation at all.  This $2 Million is 15 years and will total $2.8 Million.  Council discussion on Sept 5th indicated they could use some of this $2 million to fund a full time Fire Assistant.  In other words, they have already decided this bond is NOT just for a Fire Truck and Equipment, it includes staff.

  This council (three outgoing) have NOT allowed the Volunteer Fire Association to Fund raise this year at all.  No picnic this year, no Donations collected this year at all.  None.  These three are not concerned with the safety of Windcrest citizens, they want you in debt.  Vote NO to both bonds, Windcrest can trim the budget fat and do street repairs.

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