Thursday, September 27, 2018

Windcrest Council Candidates

Several Windcrest City Council Candidates and Water District Board candidates have posted Election signs on the street of Windcrest. 

Today the Trio of Red White and Blue signs were given 24 hours to get their signs in compliance with the Secretary of State laws.

  The Windcrest Finance Director mentioned during a recent council meeting that the Loan from EDC had been on the books for several years.

 Check the budgets.  There is a line item within the Economic Development section under line item 13-2315  Due to Gen Fund   $145,000.  There is NO mention of a LOAN.  There is not a corresponding entry in the General Fund of as $145,000 being due from EDC.

 During the EDC board meeting no one admitted knowing anything about a Loan or anything about $145,000 being owed to the city in any form.

 Citizens and City Council Candidates need to read the budget carefully.  As is often said the Devil in in the Details.

Meanwhile the facts indicate this was/is a SECRET LOAN.   The budget should indicate a loan instead of simply saying due from..  Strange.

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