Friday, November 4, 2016

Elections in Windcrest

City Council approved an Ordinance moving the electioneering tents to allow for more Voter Parking!  

During Voting last year (2016) , A current council member said in effect. "Those laws don't pertain to me!   His Black Truck remained parked in the closest handicapped parking spot during the entire early voting.  He made sure Handicapped voters parked further away and trek to vote.     

A large red flyer with a bizarre image of a turkey vulture picking at a dead armadillo, with a nearly subliminal backdrop of a confederate battle flag was passed out. 

Gilbert Garcia. columnist for the San Antonio Express News, November 2, 2016 , article painted an dismal picture of politics in Windcrest.   

Will the Black truck be back again this year?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Elections NASTY in Windcrest


Things are nasty in Windcrest; time to vote

If you think the presidential campaign has become too ugly to bear, you might want to stay away from Windcrest over the next few days.
A nasty feud between forces aligned with and against Mayor Alan Baxter has escalated over the past three weeks, with police being called in to settle political scores and the rhetoric getting uglier by the day.
The most recent incident happened Saturday afternoon. Karl Amrhein, a 70-year-old Democratic activist, was arrested at Takas Park for “assault by contact,” after Councilman Gerd Jacobi called police to say Amrhein grabbed Jacobi’s wife, Edith, around the neck and tried to jerk her campaign pamphlets out of her hand. Edith Jacobi has been wearing a neck brace since Saturday.
Amrhein was handcuffed and held in a police Tahoe for more than 20 minutes, before being handed a citation. (Assault by contact is a Class C misdemeanor and carries a maximum fine of $500, according to the Texas Penal Code.)
Amrhein acknowledges that he got in the middle of a crowd of pro-Baxter people trying to sway a voter with whom he’d been conversing. He said he’s not sure if Edith Jacobi was part of that crowd.
“I may have touched her during that incident, but I don’t have any memory of that,” Amrhein said. “If I touched her, there wasn’t any energy involved.”
Two weeks before the Takas fracas, Bel McFall, the wife of Baxter ally (and council candidate) James McFall, drove kids around Windcrest neighborhoods in a golf cart, so they could place fliers — consisting of harsh attacks against the anti-Baxter slate — on residents’ doors. When a resident started videotaping the kids, Bel McFall called the police.
The knock on Baxter is that he is a foul-mouthed bully who rewards his friends and punishes anyone who fails to meet his loyalty test. Exhibit A is the recording of his 2015 phone conversation with Erick Vargas, then the head of the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department.
On the recording, Baxter launched into a profanity-laced tirade and warned Vargas, “You decide who you’re going to be loyal to.” When Vargas resigned last year, he said Baxter pressured him to purge the department of firefighters who backed Baxter’s opponents.
Timothy Wilson, the mayor of Kirby, ran against Baxter in a 2014 Republican primary for Bexar County Commissioner. Wilson said Bel McFall yelled at his wife at a Windcrest polling site, and Baxter supporters hurled so much abuse at his volunteers that Wilson had to hire a polling worker to protect them.
The pro-Baxter faction on the council consists of Gerd Jacobi and Jim Shelton, with Pamela Dodson and Kim Wright in opposition.
Part of Baxter’s effort to consolidate his control over the council has been a recall effort against Wright, a first-term council member who knocked off James McFall for the Place 4 seat last November.
Wright has some strange notions. In a 2015 application for a place on the Windcrest ballot, she crossed out “United States” and declared herself a “citizen of Texas.” In a March 16, 2016 tax filing, obtained by the Express-News, she replaced the line stating “U.S. Citizen” with “Texas resident.”
Wright also showed a lack of sensitivity when she blamed the academic challenges at Windcrest Elementary on an influx of kids “from undesirable neighborhoods outside of our city.”
But the recall-election attacks against her have been excessive. An anti-Wright flier distributed to Windcrest voters has described her as “against education & children” and “against equal rights.” It drives home its points with a bizarre image of a turkey vulture picking at a dead armadillo, with a nearly subliminal backdrop of a confederate battle flag.
The worst thing about this effort is that it has exploited Wright’s situation to lump the rest of the anti-Baxter slate — Dodson, Frank Archuleta and Joan Pedrotti — in with her controversies.
Pedrotti, a former Bexar County court administrator, has been astounded by suggestions that she doesn’t support the police.
“My husband is a homicide detective,” she said. “So I’m pretty much pro-police.”
Pedrotti, who is running against James McFall for Place 2, added, “I worked in the courthouse for 20 years. I’ve put up with a lot of stuff. I have never dealt with anything like this.”
On that point, at least, she and James McFall can agree.
“It’s crazy,” he said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Hopefully, Windcrest won’t see anything like it again. Twitter: @gilgamesh470

Friday, October 28, 2016

Some Don't Get It

 Some people feel entitled to the point they completely disregard human decency.  The Windcrest City Council approved changes to the sign ordinance, which includes elections signs.  The ordinance dictates where political signs can be displayed on city property and also moved the Candidates Election Tents at Takas Park further down the parking lot.

 Last year the same individual parked two vehicles, plus two tent which took up 4 voter parking spaces.  The ordinance really did need changing, however, council overlooked the loop holes that the entitled seek.  Complain and he would probably say, you'r a nay say'r, or worse.

  If you voted at Takas already you probably noticed this huge black truck taking up a handicapped parking space while the owner is sitting in a chair near by trying to convince Windcrest citizens to Vote for him.  That's like saying, "I don't follow the intent of Ordinances, or even, hey, I'm entitled.

Council should write a book, "Sign Ordinances for Dummies."


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Where is WEDC?

 Yesterday Windcrest residents received a vote Gerd Jacobi, McFall and Shelton post card in their mailboxes.
  "Worked with our Economy and our resources to grow revenue, attract new businesses and support our economy to ensure Windcrest stays Strong."
  Note, three business have been courted by San Antonio to leave Windcrest in just the past month.

What is Jacobi and Shelton doing about these departures?  Council made no mention of the Immigration offices being relocated out of Windcrest,  The Express news story of Oct 19, 2016 ran the obscure story and did not even mention Windcrest, but the address was listed.  8940 Four-winds drive, which is Windcrest.
Immigration office to relocate
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that oversees legal immigration to the United States, is moving its San Antonio offices to the far North Side.
On Thursday, USCIS will close its offices at 8940 Four-winds Drive, off Loop 410 and Interstate 35 North. The new offices at 20760 N. U.S. 281, at Evans Road, will open Nov. 1.
USCIS handles applications for lawful permanent residency as well as citizenship through naturalization and deferred action.
Those in need of emergency immigration services during the move can contact USCIS at 800-375-5283, the agency said in a news release.

  Last month the City of San Antonio Economic development corp enticed a former Rackspace unit purchased by Liquid Web to move to downtown San Antonio and provided $375,000 incentive package for the move.

 Next San Antonio announced a "Startup" started by a few Rackspace employees was also enticed to move to downtown San Antonio and offered some $100,000 incentive for the move. 

 Meanwhile the Windcrest Economic Development Corporation board is busy discussing the Private Windcrest Golf Course and probably discussing the next trip to Las Vegas.  

  The single most important program for an Economic Development Corporations is the BR&E Program.  Business Retention and Expansion Programs focuses on the retention and expansion of local businesses. Windcrest does not have a viable BR&E program, why NOT?

  The Windcrest EDC has spoken many time of implementing a BR&E program within Windcrest, but always saying "We are GOING to...."  Never, we ARE.  Now San Antonio comes along and sweeps businesses away, while the Windcrest WEDC is off in Las Vegas. 

  Jacobi, Shelton and McFall appointed the current WEDC board members and you can see first hand the results of those appointments.  Council needs to replace the WEDC entire board and appoint a board that works with Windcrest businesses to keep them in Windcrest.  

 VOTE Archuleta, Pedrotti and Dodson and VOTE NOT to the recall of Wright.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Snakes of Windcrest!

The below two posts are a must read!

  The Snakes within the City of Windcrest Administration are at it once again.  An Elected official slithers about with the City Attorney and others to launch  recall petition of a council person.

 This is a quote from   "The emails included in the post below were exchanged several days BEFORE the petition was filed.   The emails show the Windcrest City Attorney and Windcrest Mayor Baxter CONSPIRED against Council person Kimberly Wright!

 Also notice Mayor Baxter is not identified on the Petition.  It's very clear that Mayor Baxter
master mined the petition, then had others do his nasty deed.

  Why is the Windcrest City Attorney giving Recall Petition advice on a sitting Council Person???

 Folks, these emails prove, without a doubt,  Windcrest Administration CORRUPT.

Fire the City Attorney and Remove Mayor Baxter now!! "

Jacobi, McFall and Shelton are supporting this Snake Activity, 

Do Not Vote for these three.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Citizens Will Never Know

  Did you catch the city council budget meeting where Jim Shelton expressed his version of Transparency?  Jim Shelton was lobbying to exclude the budget requirement of having a severance package added to the budget.  Below is the video recording from city hall.  Jim Shelton wants to omit the severance (some $80,000) from the budget as required by Ordinance.  Says you will never know..
By the way, Jim Shelton made the motion to change the CM Severance package from 4 months to the current 6 months.  Now he wants that info omitted from the budget.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Windcrest, Liquid Web? OUT Rackspace Next?

The City of San Antonio and Bexar county are providing Economic Development Incentive Grants dollars to Liquid Web to entice Liquid Web to move to  DownTown San Antonio.  What is Windcrest WEDC doing about this?  Have you heard anything?  
 See the entire article at

Liquid Web Aims to Develop in Downtown San Antonio

San Antonio EDF
SAN ANTONIO (September 22, 2016) – Liquid Web, (, a $100 million web-hosting and managed cloud-services provider devoted to delighting customers, recently acquired the Cloud Sites business unit from Rackspace and is looking to establish a presence in downtown San Antonio. Both the San Antonio City Council and Bexar County Commissioners Court will consider granting Liquid Web incentives to assist in the company’s expansion within San Antonio’s developing downtown tech district.
“We are pleased that Liquid Web selected San Antonio as the best place to grow the business unit it recently acquired from homegrown company Rackspace,” said Mayor Ivy R. Taylor. “The company’s decision is a testament to San Antonio’s strengthening downtown tech district and to our developing, robust tech ecosystem.”
On September 29, City Council is scheduled to consider an up to $225,000 Economic Development Incentive Fund (EDIF) grant if Liquid Web hits its committed job milestones, which entails relocating and creating up to 100 jobs over the next four years at their new downtown location.
“We welcome and encourage Liquid Web to grow in San Antonio,” said Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff. “The average annual salary is estimated to be over $65,000 a year. This is a great addition to the high-wage job opportunities available in our community.”
In addition, Bexar County Commissioners Court will consider granting Liquid Web $150,000 from the Bexar County Innovation Fund on October 4. The proposed County agreement would require Liquid Web to create a minimum of 43 new jobs, retain 55, and remain in Bexar County for at least three years.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Windcrest City Attorney Helps Petitioners

  Everyone knows the Mayor Baxter is the owner of DBGIC Management, LLC. .  Mayor Baxter was interviewed a year or so back concerning the fact that Tom Garcia, (Windcrest, Public Works Director) was listed as the Manager of dbgic Management, LLC.  Tom Garcia had just recently been hired as the Public Works Director and there was question about his hiring process.
  The Plot thickens.  Fast forward to 2016 and we have a Petition to Recall a council member on the table.  The Petition Committee per the Windcrest City Charter must have some three members.
   There is currently some legal maneuvering concerning this Petition One document submitted to the courts is this email, (below)  which is part of the City Attorney, Michael Brenan's affidavit/statement.  Michael Brenan's own records state the email is "Comments from a person on the committee"  Note the senders address.  Yep! Dbgic, aka Mayor Alan Baxter!!  Wow, the Mayor sent a disguised email comment to the city attorney.  The replies made by the city attorney are not available.

  Is he trying to hide behind his management company's name?  It sure seems as though City attorney Michael Brenan believed it was from a committee member.  Why else was this document submitted to the courts?

  Ok, so the Dbgic email is an attempt to influence the courts to believe the Mayor's version of the process.  Now, you have to ask yourself, if the Mayor submitted a document reflecting Dbgic then how many more anonymous sender type documents were submitted.  It's time to replace the Windcrest City Council with people with Integrity and Honesty.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Does Rackspace being Sold affect Budget of Windcrest?

  Something to think about.  Rackspace, which accounts for the vast majority of Windcrest Sales Taxes, was recently sold.  Nothing indicates Rackspace will cease operations, but it sure causes one to pause.  What if?  Could Windcrest withstand a sales tax decrease?  Not based on this FY budget. Windcrest can not continue reducing property taxes and raising benefits and salaries.  
   Looking at these figures you quickly realize Windcrest is heavily dependent on Sales Taxes. The Property Taxes, which have been lower each year the past few years now do NOT even cover the cost of Personnel, let alone any Improvements.  Below you see the Personnel Costs amounts to more than TWICE the amount of property taxes collected.  
   These figures are from the Windcrest Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget posted on the City Web Page.
The Public Works and Police accounts were combined to provice a clear picture of the total personnel in those departments.
  Note: These are ONLY the Personnel Costs, they do NOT include the departments's other
budgeted costs  .

  Proposed FY 2016-17 Budget*
Beginning Fund Balance $2,255,118.46
     Revenue FY-2016-17
Property Taxes if rate .308092  $1,723,676.00
Sales Tax $2,272,142.00
Misc Revenue $112,501.54
sub total $4,108,319.54
Proposed FY 2016-17  Budget $6,363,438.00
Public Works Dept** $741,514.64
   Percent of Entire BudgetThis Dept Accounts for % of Entire Budget 11.65%
  This Dept accounts for % of Property Tax Revenue 43.02%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 32.64%
Police Dept $2,333,439.83
  This Dept Accounts for %of Entire Budget 36.67%
  This Dept account for % of Property Tax Revenue 135.38%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 102.70%
Total Personnel Costs Including Benefits  $3,860,907.69
  Total Personnel Cost % of Entire Budget*** 60.67%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Property Taxes*** 223.99%
  Total Personnel Cost % of Sales Taxes 169.92%
*  City Web page figures  Sept 5 2016,  Figures DO NOT include anticipated 
     Salary Increases.

**Public Works DOES NOT Maintain Sewer Lines or Water Lines in
  Windcrest. The Sewer Lines and Water Line in Windcrest are
  maintained by the Bexar County WCID10 Water District.

*** Personnel Costs DO NOT Include City Attorney,IT Supt, Fire Inspector,  
     Building Inspector, Seasonal Pool employees

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Moral Compass Failure

 Windcrest had three city council members violate the Texas Open Meeting Act.  One of those three, James McFall was removed from Council for a lack of votes.  The other two in the video are up for election this November.  Windcrest should send these two packing with a lack of Votes also.

  Plus, get this, Since being removed from Council last year, James McFall has filed for a different Place on Council.  This amounts to a slap in the face to Windcrest Citizens.  One does not change the spots by filing for a different place.

  Jim Shelton is part of this scheme too.  Jim Shelton filed for Place 3, not his current Place 2.  So James McFall files for Place 2 and these two thinks they can dupe Windcrest Voters.

  These fella has no shame, their Moral Compass's have failed beyond repair.  It's time to send them packing.

 Windcrest deserves Leadership with a fine upstanding Moral Compass.  Vote to get the Windcrest Ship moving in the right direction again.

Vote for:
               Frank Archlutta, Place 1
                                                             Joan Pedrotti, Place 2

                                                                                                      Pam Dodson, Place 3

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Windcrest False Recall Petition

Some married couples never let their check book balance fall below a certain amount, like a reserving a little money for unexpected emergencies.   Some may even call it an emergency fund, but it's still part of your Check Book Balance.  It’s simply an amount you try very hard not to spend.

The City of Windcrest does the same thing, only the check book is called the General Fund and each year council tries to end the year with a surplus.  The surplus for unexpected emergencies was nearly zero at one time, but this administration has increased the emergency fund a little each year, the increases vary depending on the end of year General Fund Balance.  Currently citizens  have between 4 and 5 months operating expenses saved back in the event the sales tax stream suddenly dries up.

If council spends more money than originally budgeted it has to comes from the General Fund.

Council approved a Budget Amendment (Feb 2016) which moved dollars from the General Fund to the Park/Recreation budget for lights and other things. This means the FY 16-17 General Fund Beginning Balance will be less than originally planned. That effectively reduces the amount being saved for rainy days.

The FY ends Sept 30, 2016, so it's to early to predict the FY Ending General Fund Balance. Windcrest citizens hope it ends healthy, so when it's added to the projected revenue sources expected for FY 16-17 council can fund the city and even have a little extra sitting there for emergencies.

Don't be worried, the General Fund Balance is in good shape.  The FACT is the General Fund Balance was reduced by the Ordinance, is not a problem.  That reduction in effect was from what would have been surplus, or as many say Rainy Days Funds.   So yes, the money transferred for Park Lighting reduced the amount available for emergencies, ie Rainy Day Fund.  It becomes very confusing when terms like Rainy Day, Surplus and Extra Funds are used when discussing Finances.  Finance people have their own financial language, they don't use these easy Terms.

The charge is False.  Those characters walking the Petition around Windcrest are telling less than the truth.

Refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is another charge.  It is against the law for anyone to require another to recite the Pledge.  SCOTUS ruled such in 1943.

Some may not agree with the ruling, but SCOTUS is the final word.  She is doing nothing wrong, but anyone trying to coerce her into reciting the Pledge is breaking the law.  Those walking the streets of Windcrest requesting signatures for their petition which #6 states refuses to recite the Pledge are breaking the law and it's just Wrong.

This Petition is False at face value.  The City Attorney should send it back, INVALID.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Missing in Action- Government Relations Officer

    Who is this Government Relations Officer?  Do you know?  Have you ever seen a monthly Department Head report to Council from the Government Relations Officer?  Do such reports actually exist?    Turns out the Government Relations Officer is hiding in plain sight.

 The Government Relations Officer is  a Windcrest Tax Payers funded position that works 8 hours per month.

 You may have read the paper last week where Robert Colunga and Thomas Pittman, both Windcrest employees where formally charged with a Felony concerning a HOA.

At the May 2nd council meeting, Mayor Baxter addressed the Robert Colunga's felony charges and said, "....he works for WEDC and they are having a special meeting Friday evening to address that issue."

Well, back in 2012 Mayor Baxter told council that  Mr. Robert Colunga was a contractor for WEDC and contractors can work for multiple entities.  Mayor Baxter then introduced a resolution which added Mr. Colunga to the Windcrest City Employee Health Benefits plan in exchange for working an additional 8 hours per month.   Mr. Colunga was given the title of Government Relations Officer.   So why did the Mayor not include this information during his comments on May 2nd.

  This is the "Half Truth's" and "Misleading" information Mayor Baxter prefers.

  The Why:  The Premiums for the City Employee Health Benefits Plan Mr Colunga received were paid by his working 8 additional hours per month.  However, the Windcrest taxpayer funded Health Savings Account (HSA) in the amount of some $4,400 per year was totallyFree!.

  Mayor Baxter slipped a Government Relations Officer agenda item into a special meting on a Thursday night.  see below:

May 12, 2016 
Executive Session 6:00 P.M.
1.. City Council will convene into an open session to discuss and take possible action on the appointment of a Municipal Finance Officer.

2. City Council will convene into an open session to discuss and possibly take action on the employement status of the Government Relations Officer.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Puppeteer Replies

  Most courts simply throw out "Hear Say" evidence.  During the proceeding against Ms. Dodson it became evident that the accuser, Mr. John Gretz did not have any first hand knowledge of what happened.  His complaint was completely bogus!  He was fed the info by Mr. Shelton.  Now Mr. Shelton replies to the recent post indicating he knew the real facts and the original research was flawed.  How does he profess to "know" the real facts?   He was not present during either police visit, and the officer(s) involved made full reports and no where did they mention anything about Mr. Jim Shelton being present or being a witness to anything!  Citizens are encouraged to do the right thing, Mr. Shelton should have come forward and testified to what he witnessed first hand.  Oh Wait!  Mr. Shelton did not witness anything so what now.  He then spoon feeds the gossip to the gullible Mr. Gretz and Mr. Gretz regurgitates the information as fact during the proceedings.
  This was a witch hunt, plain and simple.  Mr. Shelton played Mr. Gretz like a puppet!  So now Mr. Shelton is still trying to seek justification for his foul play.  Mr. Shelton chose to comment on this blog in a vain attempt to gather support for his actions.  The facts came out during the official proceedings and none of those facts support Mr. Shelton's claim.

  Mr. Shelton knew his information was second hand hear say, clouded by time yet he still initiated a deceptive plan and convinced Mr. Gretz to follow thru with the plan.

  Mr. Shelton should post the official documents that support his claim.  He did not bring forth any official documents during the proceeding.

 Many witnessed the proceeding where Mr.Shelton played Mr. Gretz, that was public.  Privately many citizens believe Mr. Shelton was being played by a higher authority.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Jim Shelton, Puppeteer!

Ex council person, John Gretz, filed a complaint against Council Person Pam Dodson on December 15, 2015.  The hearing for those allegations was Thursday, Feb 11, 2016.  The original allegation listed four alleged violations.  The city attorney found three to have no merit, so only one allegation that being, "... Committed malfeasance in office by interfering with an investigation by the animal control officer of a violation of Section 6-65 relating to the keeping of fowl within the city limit.( 20143) " was considered at the hearing on Feb 11, 2016, 9am.
  John Gretz, said I'm a retired military Officer, so I speak the truth.  His opening statement was void of any Facts, everything had to do with the quoting the law, no facts!

 Wow, John Gretz filed charges against a sitting council person based on What?  The events in question occurred in 2014.  John Gretz only became aware of the entire situation on Oct 29, 2015.

  So how did he become aware of the situation?  He received an e-mail from council person Jim Shelton.   That e-mail was marked "Confidential", but shared.

 There is no mention of Jim Shelton or John Gretz in the 2014 report, neither were ever involved.

 I assume that's why Jim Shelton emailed John Gretz and enticed John to file the complaint.  Jim knew he did not have any facts to support the charge, but John Gretz is a retired military officer, so if he says it's fact, everyone will believe him.  Jim Shelton is the senior councilperson and from this action is also the Senior Puppeteer!

Now the rest of the story!  The animal control officer contacted his supervisor and discussed the issue.  That supervisor left Windcrest police department several years ago, but he attended the hearing Thursday.  He testified that he made the call to not file charges over the chickens all by himself.  He never spoke with Pam Dodson and was not aware if she even knew about the incident, her name did not come up.

 Now, you have an active police officer stating he made the call after discussing the issue with the animal control officer and you have John Gretz, retired officer, claiming Pam Dodson interfered with the investigation!

Do you suppose this is all sour grapes\?  John Gretz was defeated in the November 2015 election and lost his seat on council.

Sadly, Jim Shelton is still on council for a few more months.  He has exceeded his level of incompetence and needs to resign.  Feeding an ex council person false facts just to charge a sitting council person is a new low for Windcrest.

Jim Shelton,  Resign now, avoid further embarrassment, Please!