Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Employee Benefits for Sale

 When Alan E. Baxter first became mayor, he asked for the city employee benefits package which included Health benefits and a $4,000 HSA.  No other mayor in the history of Windcrest has received Health benefits.

 It gets better.  Alan E. Baxter then gave a part time finance employee city Health benefits in exchange for working an addition 8 hours a month.  Nothing was tracked, she came and went as she wanted. 

Next, Alan E. Baxter gave another part time Contractor City Employee Benefits, yes, Baxter hired this contractor then awarded this Contractor City Employee Health plan Benefits, including the $,4000 HSA in exchange for working an additional 8 hours a month.   Again, nothing was tracked.  Plus once when this contractor actually worked additional hours he billed the city for Overtime to the tune of $1500 dollars.  Ooops caught again, Alan E. Baxter has to hide this quick, so he paid this $1500 out of the Special Legal Fees budget line item.  After all, who would think to search Special Legal Fees account for contractor overtime.

 The bottom line Windcrest has Three (3) part time workers receiving full time employee benefits for working a few extra hours a month.

 Now Alan E. Baxter is planning to be elected once again.  You can bet he will get city health benefits shortly after if he is elected.

 No, the mayor does not vote, but he always grooms at least 3 council people to vote his way.  You have probably already heard how he treats employees that don't play his way.  Remember the Baxter's Cursing Tirade which was recorded?  That's on the web.

Vote Dan Reese, Frank Archuletta and Wes Manning.

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