Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scheme still Unresolved

In Sept 2018 the EDC president (Sue Alexander) explained why she was required to sign a deed transferring a parcel of WEDEC property over to Michael White (IWannaOil,LLC)

 Coincidentally this occurred at the same time as the Finance Director briefed city council about a $145,000 loan to EDC that needed to be repaid by EDC.  What Loan? Sue Alexander, EDC president and the rest of the board denied any knowledge of any $145,000 dollar loan. 

  Baxter & Jacobi all plead disbelief and amazement when this "Loan" surfaced. Actually they were embarrassed only because it was exposed.   Yet City Council will convene into a closed session as authorized by the Section 551 07 of the Texas Government Code to consult with the City Attorney concerning settlement of the portion of the pending lawsuit between the City and Michael White and his related entities and concerning settlement of contemplated litigation over approximately 111 acres of land owned by the City and the Windcrest Economic Development Corporation 

The agenda only refers to the 111 acres, the newly annexed property surrounding Rackspace.  Nothing new there.  But the resolution council passed for this agenda item also Included another 180 acres, located in San Antonio, which included the Target Tract on Walzem AND the property were WalMart now sits.  Plus the vacant property along Walzem Rd at Eisenhouer Rd and around the nursing facility on Eisenhouer Rd.  These properties are referred to as the 180 acre tract.  The settlement agreement has this entry:
"City and the City EDC hereby covenant and agree to immediately take all reasonable actions necessary to prove clear good and marketable title in the City EDC in and to the 180 Acre Tract and the Target Tract and the validity of the liens and deed-in-lieu of foreclosure held by Buddin on the 180 Acre Tract and the Target Tract for the purpose of enabling Buddin and other White Parties and their Affiliates to commercialize these properties.."

  The settlement included $250,000 payment to EDC.  The audits do not show the addition of any $250,000, nor do the City audits.  Where did the $250,000 go?
 Why did the Agenda hide this piece of information?  Very slick indeed.  The settlement agreement clearly refers to the "180 Acres", but the Windcrest Mayor, Attorney and City Council hid that fact by having the agenda item also refers to the 111 acre tract.  Why?  

 Now the Scheme has been exposed.  Enough said, Alan E. Baxter and Gerd Jacobi are running for Election to get back on city council.

I see a trust issue here do you?

Vote Dan Reese, Frank Archuletta and Wes Manning for city council.  Move forward not backwards.

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