Monday, October 21, 2019

Potty Mouth & Table Jake

It's official, Gerd Jacobi is trying a come back.  Strange that he has dropped the "Jake" from his filing and using another name.  Trying to distance himself from the terrible image of him making motions to Table agenda items to prevent proper city business from happening.
 Not only is "Jake" trying to come back, but also "Ole Potty Mouth" himself has signs about town. 

  One has to wonder if his Potty Mouth means of communication had anything to do with his recent job change.  He left SA suddenly only to surface in Kerrville Tx. 

 Table Jake has a mail out that touts Lowering Taxes, yet he pushed the $7 Million Street Bond and Fire Truck.  That $7 Million will RAISE TAXES for the next 15-20 years!

 Jacobi and Baxter lowered Taxes a little at the same time they Subsidized the trash fund because some 300 of friends and family were exempted from paying trash fill for many years. 

 Jacobi and Baxter lowered taxed and permit fees, then let the street go to pot.  No crack filling for several years with Jacobi and Baxter at the wheel. 

Jacobi and Baxter are not interested in serving anything except their own agenda.  Jacobi proved that when he Tabled several agenda items.  He even postponed an agenda item for 1 Year!.  Not until the next meeting, but for a whole year!  That's more proof that both Jacobi and Baxter are NOT working for the citizens of Windcrest.

Vote Dan Reese and Frank Archuletta to keep moving forward. 

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