Saturday, November 2, 2013

Windcrest Trash Contracts?

  Did you know a PAC in Arizona made a $2000 donation to Impact Windcrest PAC, the same PAC that promotes Mayor Alan Baxter and Councilman John Gretz?  
   Yes, all of those expensive looking full page glossy mail outs are being supported by an Arizona PAC.

  Consider this link:

It shows an expenditure of $2000 to Impact Windcrest Cmte.PAC

Republic Services Expenditures | OpenSecrets - 10, Impact Windcrest Cmte Pac, $2,000


Location: PHOENIX, AZ 85054 

Question:  Who is Republic Services and why did they donate $2000 to the City of Windcrest, Impact Windcrest PAC?

The answer lies right in plain view.  Go to the Windcrest City Web site.  Click on:

  This page addresses Curb Side pickup.  Look in the second paragraph and click the underlined word: Allied Services/BFI 

That link takes you directly to their home web site.  Yep, the same company that has the City Garbage/Trash Contract. Those garbage trucks rolling thru our streets and alleys belong to Allied Services/BFI whose parent is Republic Services.  Is there a connection?    Is this a level playing field for other garbage/trash vendors?  Windcrest not only needs new leadership, Windcrest Deserves new leadership!

  Mark Perry for Mayor and Dennis Allen for City Council Place 5 is the needed leadership change.  

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Windcrest -Millions Missing- Misleading Statements

 The City of Windcrest is back in the news.  Misleading statements made by Mayor Alan Baxter and missing dollars were reported in a newspaper story this week.

 City Councilman, James McFall is running unopposed.  His wife Bel was quoted in an October 29th My SA newspaper saying residents are upset about many things, including allegations of millions of missing dollars. Another person said she was concerned about misleading statements made by incumbent Mayor Alan Baxter.

Maybe the above has some bearing on why the approved 2013-14 budget has not been released.  The Mayor and Council may not want the citizens to see the actual budget before the Election day.  It has been suppressed for most of early voting.  Early voting ends tomorrow, Friday, November 1st, 2013.   period and right now the FY 2013-14 Approved budget is nowhere to be found.  Is this because James McFall and his wife know more than Windcrest Citizens?  You gotta believe, that if James McFall knows, then John Gretz (running city council for place 5) also knows.  Evidently the entire council knows something along with the Mayor and city manager, because the budget is not available for citizens to view.  Oh, the Proposed budget is online, but that one does not have the full facts.

 Last year the 2013 budget was placed on the web site on Nov 1st, but only after several citizens complained to the Attorney General's office.  Did the complaint have any affect on the release?  One would believe not, being the same thing is happening this year.

 I fail to recognize any reason for not posting the approved budget on the effective date of October 1st.

After-all, Council worked the budget for several months, had two public hearing and still can't post the budget by the effective date.  Why not?   Early voters would have had ample time to review the budget before casting their vote.  If the approved budget is posted between now and election day, citizens will have little time to review and digest the content.  I expect the FY 2013-14 budget will be placed on the city web page soon, but too late for many voters.  Is that the plan?

  For example, on the proposed budget, one department shows being $102,000 over budget.  Yes, they projected to spend $102,000 more than the expected revenue.    What was the City Manager, Rafael Castillo thinking?  The City Manager, I believe,  is suppose to present a balanced budget to council.

 According to the reporter, literature handed out by Alan Baxter and John Gretz supporters claim funding by Impact Windcrest PAC, but Impact Windcrest wasn't listed with the Texas Ethics Commission as a registered PAC.  Windcrest Wins, PAC is registered with the Ethics commission.  Because Windcrest does not offer postal boxes, the PAC uses a San Antonio PO box for correspondence.

Place 5 candidate Dennis Allen sat with members of political action committee Windcrest Wins under a white tent. Mr. Allen is a newbie to politics; Windcrest Wins also endorsed Mark Perry, who is challenging Baxter.  Windcrest needs a change in leadership, Mark Perry and Dennis Allen represent this change!!

Read the entire article here:  Sleeper Election\\\

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Where is Transparency in Windcrest?

  The Windcrest City Council meetings are recorded and available for live streaming, however, if you missed the live meeting, actually viewing the official video may be delayed for days.  The process of posting council meeting videos to the city web page appears to vary depending on the content of the video.   

  Posting a video to the city web page for public viewing is a straight forward process requiring a few minutes at the computer to accomplish.  In fact, some council meeting videos have been posted as early as the following morning so you know it's possible. 

  It appears, if the content of the meeting is anything controversial, posting the video is delayed for several days.  Why is that?  Maybe because Mayor Alan E. Baxter and councilman John Gretz are running for re election.     Running for office saying "we are Open and Transparent" while delaying the release of public information, amounts to nothing more than smoke and mirrors.  Controlling what is released and when is not being open and transparent.
  Windcrest has ordinances such as the number of animals allowed per household, speed limits, signs, and weeds etc.   Windcrest should enact an ordinance dictating council meeting videos be posted to the city web page within 48 hours.  This idea would not allow city officials to use the current smoke and mirror delay tactics.

   Sadly, the faster process is to submit an Open Records request for the video.  Even that process is allowed 10 working days, but at least you will receive the video. 

   Mark Perry is running for Mayor to replace Mayor Baxter and Dennis Allen is running for City Council place 5 to replace John Gretz.  These two individuals will end the delay tactics and provide Windcrest with real transparency, not smoke and mirrors.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fire Chief Salary Question e-Mails

The E-mail exchanges below were between Don Myles, Mayor Baxter and Rackspace concerning the Windcrest Fire Chief  Salary Question.  Start reading from the bottom of this email to read the emails in the order received.

----- Original Message ----- From: Dons---To Windcrest Citizens
From: Donald xxxxxx
Hey, Ya'll:
Here is Rackspace's General Counsel's official reply to my question about Graham Weston's "alleged" endorsement of Alan Baxter's re-election campaign for Mayor, as was printed in his latest election pamphlet (not a flier)! Ya'll may want to consider some way you can get this information out to our voting public.
Alan keeps asking to meet with me for a "discussion" about Dan Reese and the Fire Chief's salary; and I keep telling him NO, unless he is going to discuss how he is going to make the changes I have requested NLT City Council Meeting, next Monday.
Keep up the good work.
Don xxxx

----- Original Message ----- From: Alan xxxxx

To: D
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 8:03 AM
Dear Mr. Myles,
Thank you for your email. I want to clarify that Graham Weston has not endorsed any candidate in the Windcrest City Council elections, and Rackspace as a policy does not endorse candidates in elections. Further, we have not authorized any publication that implies otherwise. The quote in the mailer you refer to was from a magazine article printed months ago. Although Rackspace as a company does not endorse candidates, we encourage credible candidates to schedule a visit to our campus and give our employees a chance to meet them and freely discuss campaign issues, their platforms and viewpoints.
We at Rackspace appreciate the direction that Windcrest has taken over the past couple of years since the change of leadership at the City, and we look forward to working with the City Council in the future on issues of mutual interest, no matter who is ultimately elected in November.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Best, Alan
5000 Walzem Road
San Antonio, Texas 78218

----- Original Message ----- From: Don xxx---To Rackspace
From: Donald <> Date: Monday, October 14, 2013 10:05 PM To: rackspace

I believe that it is important for me to furnish you copies of these latest emails between Mayor Baxter and myself. Mayor Baxter's latest manipulation and badgering of personnel into leaving our City or retiring early from key leadership positions has resulted in the resignation of our Fire Chief, Dan Reese, effective 1 Nov 2013. My emails reflect my humble efforts to get Mayor Baxter to turn this situation around and retain the Fire Chief. You'll see my reasons and get a better picture of the situation after you read my emails. This latest personnel debacle by Mayor Baxter is just another example of his "lousy" and ineffective personnel policies and management. He is a successful "promoter" but an unsuccessful people person and people leader! If we do not convince the Mayor to correct this situation, I'm afraid what he and his City Council will do, as they have done in the past, is appoint a more junior, less experienced Chief to lead this extremely critical City department. I think ya'll should be concerned about this action, since our Windcrest Fire Department is responsible for the safety and well-being of your personnel and physical plant when medical care and fire prevention and protection are needed.
By the way, Graham, I was quite surprised when your picture and strong, personal endorsement of Mayor Baxter appeared on the front page of his latest 8-page re-election campaign pamphlet mailed to all Windcrest residents. Just in case you haven't seen the pamphlet, he quoted you as follows: "Mayor Alan Baxter has revealed a great vision for the city of Windcrest, and it's been a pleasure to work alongside him as we build a strong civic and corporate relationship . . . Just like Rackspace, the mayor values transparency and openness, and this has served the city well." It was signed, "Graham Weston, Rackspace Founder and Chairman of the Board," with your snapshot next to your name. Did you really make this endorsement; did you give the Mayor permission to print it; and intend to have it mailed to all Windcrest residents?
If I can be so bold to ask, any help and support you can give to the reinstatement of our Fire Chief and to the establishment of a fair and equitable salary level for the Fire Chief position will be greatly appreciated by myself and all our Windcrest residents. (Also, in case you may be wondering, I am supporting Mark Perry and Dennis Allen in the upcoming election!)
Thanks much for your time and consideration.
Don Myles, Ph.D.
Former Mayor
City of Windcrest

----- Original Message ----- From: Don
To: Alan Baxter
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 9:22 PM
I don't believe there is anything to discuss with you, Alan, unless it is a discussion or explanation of your Plan of Action to (1) retain Dan Reese as Fire Chief, (2) establish a respectable and sensible salary rate for the Fire Chief position, as I have spelled out in my below email to you, and (3) set an agenda to complete these actions at the upcoming City Council Meeting on 21 Oct 2013.
You can complete these actions, Alan, if you make the decision to do it! You have demonstrated many times that once you establish a goal, you will complete it! Our City deserves an experienced Fire Chief who is a proven leader and a man of the highest integrity, and one who is paid a fair and decent salary comparable and equal to the critical responsibilities and duties of that position.
Thank you,
Don .
----- Original Message ----- From:Alan Baxter
To: Donald
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 8:42 AM
I would be happy to sit down and discuss this issue with you.

----- Original Message ----- From: Don 
From: Donald [mailto: Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 8:18 PM
To: Alan  Subject: Re: SALARY QUESTION
Mayor Alan:
No, Alan, your reply does not answer my question. I've thought long and hard, over the past eight days, about your reply and this issue, i.e., Dan Reese and his position as Chief, Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department. I believe we know each other well enough that I can be honest and direct with you on this subject through the following points:
1. Turn this situation around and retain Dan Reese as the Fire Chief! If you would personally commit yourself to this goal like you have to completing a $300,000.00 improvement to a Takas Park pond and winning your current re-election campaign, you can personally advocate for Dan Reese to be our Fire Chief at a respectable salary rate. Your fellow City Council members will get behind you and approve this action. After all, as you said, "we have the money, and we intend to raise the compensation."
2. At the risk of getting your ire up, Alan, make me not believe that the reason you are not advocating for Dan Reese is because his resigning and leaving allows you to finally accomplish your long-term goal of getting rid of (or "cleaning house") all the personnel who were in key leadership positions or in positions of high responsibility during the previous Mayor Jack Leonhardt administration. After all, Chief Dan Reese is the last one left from that time!
3. (Hoping that you have not destroyed this email after reading the above paragraph and are continuing to read it) A salary of $48K ($36K for Fire Chief and $12K for additional duty of Fire Inspector) or $61K--figures that have been mentioned by you and other sources--is not a respectable or sensible salary for our Fire Chief for the following reasons: (a) the average salary for fire chief position in our immediate surrounding cities is approximately $77K; (b) a beginning police officer, without any experience, in our City makes $38K; (c) base salary for the Windcrest Police Chief is approx. $67K, without any additional duties--that's $31K more than the Fire Chief, with additional duties; add in benefits, and the Police Chief's salary is at nearly $88K; and (d) at a Fire Chief salary of $48K, a City Admin. Secretary, Public Works Technician, and City Postal Clerk would have annual salaries nearly as much as the Fire Chief; the Fleet Mechanic would
make more! Fire Chief annual salary rates at $48K or $61K make no sense and reflect poor personnel management policies and practices!
4. As I said in my earlier email, Alan, the responsibilities and duties of the Fire Chief are of the highest critical nature--directing fire department operations; supervising, mentoring, and training young volunteer firefighters and EMS technicians who save lives; and being a firefighter and EMS technician, himself. And, if the City so acts, the Chief would have an additional, critical duty of Fire Inspector. All of these, as well as others I have not listed, are responsibilities and duties just as critical and aschallenging as those of a Police Chief. As such, the salary levels should be very similar, if not the same. These conclusions are not just mine but are also those of "Public Sector" salary surveys and Fire Chief salary levels set by our surrounding cities.
5. To quote you, Alan, "I really like Chief Reese . . .;" "we, as a city, want to do what is right;" and "we are in uncharted waters." You can do what is right, Alan, and be a strong Captain of the ship. Sail the ship (or our City) out of troubled, uncharted waters. Give the Fire Chief, Dan Reese, the respectable and sensible salary that he and the position deserve. You can do it as soon as the next City Council meeting on Monday, 21 October. There and then, take the lead! Put a $70K - $80K salary level for the Fire Chief position on the agenda and on the table. Advocate for its approval; and lead the Council to take a vote to approve! Our Fire Department will continue to be strong, and our City and citizens will be safer.
Thanks much.
Don Myles, Ph.D.

----- Original Message ----- From:Alan Baxter
Cc:Pamela Dodson ; Rafael Castillo ; Sarah Mangham ; Michael Brenan () ; Dan
Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2013 10:45 AM
Dr. Myles,
Thank you for your email.
The Fire Chief was paid the figure you mentioned as that was the highest salary allowable under the law, as he was not fully qualified when he took over the position. Just recently, he became fully qualified.
When the position went out at the time Chief Reese applied, it was not advertised at a salary level you indicate. Please remember, we are a Volunteer Fire Department. This administration has made it
clear that we do not want to move towards a paid Fire Department. We want to keep it a volunteer department. You might recall, prior administrations pushed for a paid Fire Department, and it was even mentioned in the MEIA that the city signed prior to this administration and prior to the current WEDC’s tenure.
We have been doing research to find an apples to apples scenario on what a VFD Chief gets paid. We have only found one example. Coincidentally, this one example did not pay the Fire Chief what the Police Chief made.
We are trying to do what is right for all involved. During this time, the Chief retained a lawyer. Well, that slows things down. I really like Chief Reese and have worked quite a bit with him over the last two years. We, as a city, want to do what is right. We are in uncharted waters.
The Council has stated on many occasions on the record that we will move the salary needle with regard to this position with a budget adjustment. We have the money and we intend to raise the compensation. We are planning to have a special meeting before the Regular City Council Meeting on October 21 to do just that.
I hope this answers your question.
Feel free to call me to discuss further if you wish.

----- Original Message ----- From:Don Myles

From: Donald [] Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2013 12:02 AM To: xxx Subject: SALARY QUESTION
Mayor Alan:
Could you please explain to me why the Fire Chief salary is set at only $16,000.00 (approx.) per year?
I believe that it is time for you and the Council to pay that position a salary that is equal to the critical responsibilities of the job--directing fire department operations, supervising and training volunteer firefighters who save lives; and fighting fires and saving lives, himself. Carrying out these responsibilities and duties certainly deserves a salary equal to the Police Chief, and greater than an Administrative Secretary, Postal Clerk, or Public Works Technician--all of whom are currently paid more than the Fire Chief!
How do ya'll justify such a low pay scale for such a critical position/job? Thank you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Windcrest Fire Chief Forced to Resign

  Chief Dan Reese, the Windcrest Fire Chief, has submitted his resignation letter.  Chief Reese 
spoke during a recent City Council meeting, detailing his research on Fire Chief salaries around Texas.  He asked that his current minimum wage salary be increased to equal that of other volunteer Fire Departments.  He also noted he is the current Emergency Management Coordinator which warrants additional increases.  The 2013014 budget was approved with the Fire Chief's salary unchanged from the previous years.  

Read the entire letter for your self on the  Windcrest Win PAC web site, click here.

It's unconscionable that Windcrest spends over $300,000 on pond improvements while funding the Fire Chief's position at minimum wage.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Windcrest Water District Take Over??

  Don't believe for a second that the Water District is from being dissolved based on a 'solid relationship' as recently reported.  Just review the facts below to see the trend.

 Fact: The Windcrest City Council approved the first reading of the ordinance to dissolve the Water District.  That  attempt failed due to a boundary issue.  The law concerning dissolution of a Water District states a Water Districts' boundaries have to be totally within the City's boundaries.  The little strip along the IH35 frontage road was the only thing that stopped that attempt.

 Fact: Next, the Windcrest City Council presented a Resolution asking San Antonio City Council to approve for a Boundary Adjustment.  The Boundary Adjustment was for the little strip of land along the IH 35 frontage road that runs in front of the old Frost Bank Building.  The same little strip of land that caused their first attempt to dissolve the Bexar County WCID #10 failed.  This Resolution was scuttled because our Charter states any annexation of land requires a public vote.

Fact: Not a week later City staff and/or Contractors contacted San Antonio seeking a Boundary Correction.  This boundary correction issue is still being worked today!

Fact: A contractor was hired at $2750 per month (not to exceed 20 hours per month) for special projects.  This contractor contacted San Antonio officials concerning boundaries.

Fact:  The WEDC /Director (interim director) monthly report to the Windcrest City Council and WEDC board has stated he is working with San Antonio on "boundary issues that are hindering economic development." 

 This is nothing but a new twist to the same issue.  To take over our Water District #10, first this administration must somehow change the city boundaries so  they include the entire Bexar County WCID #10 boundaries.

 The current Windcrest administration is working this very issue today.  In my opinion a Vote to Re-Elect either incumbent is a Vote to Dissolve our Water District.  The boundary issues hindering economic development have never been an issue until now.  The deeds on those properties have indicated they are located partly in Windcrest and partly in San Antonio for years.  The owners know.  Developers work these issues all the time, no big deal.

I believe our Mayor's attempt to emphasis economic development as the reason for changing the boundaries is nothing but an end run to take over our Water District.  He tried two different methods for a take over, now he is working a third.

Keeping that small strip of land in San Antonio Guarantees the safety of our Water District,  Vote to Keep our Bexar County WCID #10 out of City Control.  Vote Perry and Allen

Mark Perry is currently a Bexar County WCID#10 Board member.  Dennis Allen has vowed vote against any overt or covert attempts to dissolve our Bexar County WCID #10!!

Some 600 residents signed a petition (non binding) to stop the attempt to dissolve the Water District, the Council ignored that petition and voted to approve the first reading of the resolution to dissolve our Water District.  Had it not been for those boundary issues the Bexar County WCID#10 would have been dissolved, I have no doubt.

VOTE: Mark Perry for Mayor  

 VOTE: Dennis Allen for Council Place 5

A Citizens asked council last night to elaborate on the auctioning of the 111 acres.  The Mayor responded False, it was not auctioned
  Well folks, the 111 acres was sold on the Steps of the Bexar County court house on Jan 3, 2012.  Look at page 1 below, the original price was $17,179,045.03.  The 111 acres was sold to SLF IV-Eisenhaurer Point, L.P. for $6,200.000.  Last paragraph on page 2 indicated highest bidder.  Maybe because this was a Foreclosure maybe the actual sale is technically not called an auction, but to the average lay person it looks like it was auctioned.  The county does not usually place "Every Day Low Price" on property sold on the court house steps.  Decide for your self.


Friday, September 20, 2013

111 Acre Auction- Rest of the Story

On a previous blog you were asked to decide for your self if the Mayor was truthful when he said the 111 acres was NOT auctioned.    Since then a document was obtained from Bexar County Clerks office.  Document #20120100604 filed Dec 12, 2011.  Item 4. Terms of Sale.  states:  "The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash..."

  This document was posted the required 20 days prior to the sale.  It was posted at the court house and filed in the Bexar County records.  Nothing to decide now, the official document states the sale will be conducted as a Public Auction.

  A Citizens asked for an appology for both the writer and the citizens of Windcrest for saying the original statement about being auctioned was not true.  Mayor Baxter was quoted in the local Herald saying the PAC letter was lies, all fabricated.  Mayor Baxter still maintained it was not Auctioned.

  As Paul Harvey would say, "Now you have the rest of the Story."

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back Room Deal?

  Council Persons John Gretz, Pam Dodson, Jake Jacobi, and Jim Shelton, voted in favor of approving a severance package for Police Chief Pabon during SCCM on Sept 29th, 2011. (Rita Davis was absent)
  This agreement in the severance package was drafted by the Windcrest City Attorney and I find this extract appalling: 

   (Chief Pabon is the Employee) 

“… Employee understands that this agreement not to disclose applies to everyone to whom Employee may so disclose, specifically including, but not limited to all citizens of the City, present and former employees of the City, applicants for any position with the City, and any persons or entities with actual or proposed business dealings with the City.”….(emphasis added)

  What is going on when the City Attorney includes wording in an agreement that even the existence of this agreement can NOT be disclosed to any persons, Specifically Citizens of Windcrest. 

  The same City Attorney denied an open records request for a copy of the Severance Agreement. However, the Texas Attorney General issued an opinion the city had to release the Severance Agreement.

The total cost to the City of Windcrest for this Severance Package was $49,360.27. 

 Now Consider this:

  1. The Motion was approved Sept 29th during the 3pm council meeting.
  2. The Check was signed and Dated Sept 28th!!!  The day before Council Met!!

Yes!! Check  was cut BEFORE council voted to approve Chief Pabon’s Severance Package!!!

Is this not proof positive of a back room deal?  Seems the council meeting and vote was for SHOW folks, the decision had already been made.  

  Do you think signing a check prior to Council approval violated city finance policies and procedures?  

  Windcrest needs NEW leadership!  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Are New Car Ports Authorized?

    The Windcrest City Council sued David Cadenas over his carport.  He had an approved Windcrest building signed by the City Manager, Rafael Castillo.  A trial was held at city hall in the council chambers which doubles as a court room.  The trial ended in a hung jury.  I understand the statutes have expired for having another trial so I assume David's carport is now OK.

    The City of Windcrest put a moratorium on building carports, correct that, the moratorium was on approving carport Permits, while the car port issue was discussed.  The City Council extended the moratorium multiple times.

    During this moratorium prohibiting carports, a brand new carport was built at 626 Moorside Dr. This was built literately under the nose of a sitting council person that live only a few doors away.  The new car port went up over the holidays in 2012.

    An open records request was made for building permits for that location. Answer: None exist.  An inquiry to the Mayor resulted in the statement, it is in the lawyers hands.

    The carport is currently being utilized.  This enforces the saying, "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Windcrest Trailer Park or Worse?

On July 18, 2013, the WEDC board approved a motion for  "Termination of Restrictive Covenants" .  The original document is on file at Bexar County and details the prohibited establishments for the 111 acres of newly annexed property. These are NO longer prohibited.

previous WEDC board had the foresight to establish a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants back in August 2007 when the property was purchased by WEDC.  This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants prohibited a laundry list of businesses.  Trailer/Mobile Home Parks, Sexually Oriented businesses, small Used Car Lots are only a few of the businesses Prohibited by this Deed Declaration.

 The Current WEDC Board members saw fit to completely undo the valuable work of past WEDC boards and approved a motion to Terminate the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in its entirety!!    Note, this current WEDC board was hand picked by the current Mayor.  Get It?

 Are Trailer Home Parks coming to Windcrest?  Hope not!  No Longer prohibited, who knows?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Full Time Windcrest employee hired by WEDC for additional 20-30 hrs

July 18, 2013  The WEDC board voted 3-1 to hire Michael McAlear (also works in finance for city) to fill the vacancy with WEDC.  He will work 20-30 per week.  Sometimes more, sometimes less but he gets a flat rate $23,000 for this part time gig.
 WEDC also voted to lift the deed restrictions on the 111 acres beyond Rackspace.  The only example they gave was currently Auto Repair facilities would not be allowed.  They did not mention strip clubs, or such, not even sure if they were in the original.

WEDC Has NEW Administrative Assistant

Ready for this.  July 18, 2013  The WEDC board voted 3-1 to hire Michael McAlear (also works in finance for city) to fill the vacancy with WEDC.  He will work 20-30 per week.  Sometimes more, sometimes less but he gets a flat rate $23,000 for this part time gig.
 WEDC also voted to lift the deed restrictions on the 111 acres beyond Rackspace.  The only example they gave was currently Auto Repair facilities would not be allowed.  They did not mention strip clubs, or such, not even sure if they were in the original.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Vote for New Leadership in Windcrest

The City of Windcrest will face a most important election on Tudsday November 5, 2013.  We must have a change in leadership, therefore you must vote in this election.  The future of our city depends on your vote to change the current leadership of the City of Windcrest.
  Three positions will be on the ballot.
  City Council place 4
  City Council place 5
  City Mayor
These position are open to any Windcrest Citizen that meets the requirements for the office.  Election filing packages will be available at Windcrest City Hall on Monday July 29, 2013.  This will be the first day to pick up a filing package.  Stay tuned until after the filing deadline, the candidates will be posted here.