Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Water District - Fix our Streets

  Have you noticed how everyone on the Mayor's 'team' wants to run things like a business.  The current Water District is a business, albeit a non profit business, none the less it is a business.

  Now one of the hand picked candidates from Win Brook Estates, Fernando Richards says he want to run the Water District like a business.

                                                       Fernando Richards, aka Mayor's Pick

  The other hand picked mouth piece is Eugenia Snead.  She says she brings 30 years of Military experience to the board.  (The Mayor told her to emphasis that, Windcrest likes it) She wants a Capital Improvement Plan to replace failing streets.  Win Brook Estates streets have evidently met their life expectancy of 10 years and everything needs replacing.

The 3rd Candidate (now pictured) is a semi retired Army Col.  Sue Alexander.  Semi, because she thinks she still commands, and wants the Water District to march to her drum.  Oh, but it's the Mayor's Drum!!

Take note of these candidates.  No one of these candidates have 1 iota of Water Operations experience.  But, they only want the money for their Win Brook Estates streets I guess.

Keep the current Water Board Directors.  Vote MelRoy Brandt, Paul GreenWood and John Fagin to keep an experienced, qualified and proven Water Board in Windcrest!!

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