Thursday, October 23, 2014

Windcrest sues Water District #10

  Yes, you read it correctly.  On Oct 13, 2014, the City of Windcrest filed a law suit against Bexar County Water Control and Improvement District #10.  Then on Oct 20, 2014 the City Council meeting had an agenda item concerning the law suit.  How did that happen?  Cart before the hourse I do believe.
  Three citizens spoke during the Oct 20 council meeting crying, whining about the Water District purchasing property.  They asked council to "Do Something to Stop it."  Your council that represents all Windcrest residents apparently acted on what those two citizens said.  That's what is wrong with the current administration.  They promote their own agenda with total disregard for the rest of the residents wishes.  Not too long ago council was presented with a non binding petition signed by over 600 windcrest residents to leave the Water District alone.  Council is back at it.

 This latest law suit is a double whammy for the tax payers.  You pay property taxes to support this special agenda and your water rates pay to defend those that special agenda all because of two whiners.  Did you know you also paid for an attorney to sit (spectator) thru the entire 3 week trial of Gary Cain?  Yes, the same law firm that has this law suit.  This law firm also contributed to the Mayor failed attempt at County commissioner.  Pay back time I guess.

  Oh, did I fail to mention those two "Whiners" are also running for an elected positions.  You may want to strike those two from your list of candidates.

  The Water District board voted to purchase property so they can build at some future date.  As you know the City of Windcrest has a five year agreement for the Water District to rent space at City Hall.  I have no doubt when that agreement comes up for renewal the current administration and cronies will have new demands, threats etc

  Meanwhile the Water District has made an investment by purchasing property.  Why is the city against the Water District making an investment?   Most residents own their own home, the city owns their current buildings, why can't the Water District move to Own their own facility?  Sure seems like an excellent long term investment to me.

 Also comments were made that the newly purchase property was not zoned for commercial.  That is False, The part facing Randolph Blvd is already zoned Commercial!  They could start building tomorrow if they so desired.    Do you really want these "Half Cooked", misinformed candidates running your Water District?

  Vote for Mel Roy Brandt, Paul Greenwood and John Fagin,  for the Water District Board of Directors.  These three are level headed, seasoned veterans that are fully capable of keeping our Water District on the correct path.  

  Under their leadership the Water District has brought you the Superior Water System rating from the state of Texas.  They deserve a large part of the recent ISO change that qualifies homeowner for lower Insurance rates.

Vote Brandt, Greenwood and Fagin |Water District

  To compliment the Water District please Vote 

Dan Reese, Place  1 City Council
Henry Moncada, Place 2 City Council
Mike Scott, Place 3 City Council



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