Monday, October 6, 2014

Windcrest Slush Fund for Cronies?

  Seems this administration has their very own "Slush Fund"!  

  Case in Point.

The WEDC hired Robert Colunga @ $90,000 as a contract employee.  The WEDC does not pay medical or benefits, just a straight contract for $90,000 working as the WEDC Director.

  Then Robert Colunga goes to Mayor Baxter and request Medical Benefits.  The Mayor and council, (Jim Shelton, Jake Jacobi and Pam Dodson voted for this) approved Resolution 2012-414(R) Colunga receiving city employee medical benefits.  The resolution said medical benefits for working an additional 8 hours per week.

  An open records request for a copy of the contract, agreement etc, for this additional 8 hours per week returned a letter stating, "The Resolution is the contract".

  Are you still with me?  Colunga now works for WEDC, I assume a 40 hour week, plus he works for the City an additonal 8 hours per week doing 'whatever'.

 Those are his TWO contracts.  Now in Feb 2014 Robert Colunga was paid and additional $1500.
The invoice says he worked additional hours.  Plus you will NOT find that $1500 under contract employment or anywhere you would recognize.

  He was paid $1500 out of SPECIAL LEGAL FEES. account!  Talk about hiding the numbers.  So much for being "Transparent" and "Open".  The budget has some $110,000 in 514-255
 Rafael Castillo, City Manager is responsible for maintaining a balanced budget.  He evidently sleept thru the ethics portion of those financial management classes.

I believe entering this transaction in the Special Legal Fees subcode reflects either a high level of incompetence, or a high level of corruption, take your pick. Either way the present administration condones this very odd management of our budget.

It is time to get control of the finances folks.  Jake Jacobi, Jim Shelton and Pam Dodson should be replaced.

  A Vote for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada, and Mike Scott can stop this nonsense.! 

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