Saturday, December 20, 2014

Rafael Castillo, Windcrest City Manager in Fist Fight!

  Last Saturday the Windcrest City Manager, Rafael Castillo, was involved in a street fight right in front of Windcrest City Hall.  Literally next to the Christmas tree in front of City Hall.  This fight, altercation, scuffle, or what ever you want to call it, involved an exchange of blows and some injuries.  The altercation was between the City Manager and a Windcrest Citizen.

  In most cities such unprofessional conduct by a city official would result in the immediate termination of the City Manager.  How professional is that to become involved in fist-a-cuffs right in front of City Hall?  It's hard to imagine Rafael Castillo keeping the job of City Manager after such an encounter.  But, this is Windcrest folks, a city well known for skirting professional conduct, so who knows what is next.  Will citizens need a Police escort to visit City Hall?  

 Recently the nation has been considering adding body cameras to Police officers to record everything.  Seems Windcrest should add body cameras to their Public Officials, NOT their Police officers.

  One would hope the altercation is under investigation, but that has not been confirmed.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Payola in Windcrest is Rampant!

 Have a look at the City budget expenditures.  Search for Ms Rebecca Cedillo, she is being paid every month for over a year @ $2750 per month.  She is a contractor, and her contract says 20 HOURS PER MONTH MAX.    Notice it does not say 20 hours, only a Max of 20 hours.  wow.

 She is being paid out of City funds, yet listed as reporting to the WEDC Director.  The Finance Director briefed council when her contract was extended that there was $24,000 already in the contractor line so no problem.    Would you find it Strange to know that that account still has $24,000 available,   Why, that can't be correct!  Yes it is, NOTHING spend this year to date from that sub code.  Don't be fooled by all the hot air about this administration being an open and transparent administration?  The real proof is already in the books and easily accessed.  Look at the Check Register listing, she is there.  But that does not show which account the money was charged, it just show the amount and date paid etc.

 That's because the expenses are being HIDDEN by paying this contractor from the Special Legal Fees account.  That way the books will never show a Contractor working and costing Windcrest $49,000 since being hired.

  The "Special Legal Fees" is what I would call a "Slush" fund.  Charge whatever you want to that account, no one will ever know.

  Not only does the current council condone this, they participated when they renewed her contract, which is going on 19 months at $2750.  You will not see her about city hall.  The City Manager, Rafael Castillo is also involved as he dictates to the Finance Director as to which account to charge these expenses.  No idea where she gets her directions from, but she is surely being paid a health sum for whatever she does.  This is no fault of Ms. Cedillo, she just collect the money.

 This is NOT the only INAPPROPRIATE charge made to special legal fees, there is another smoking gun for later.

  It's time for a Changing of the Guard.  Elect Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott, to get these shameful practices stopped and maybe replacing the CM with a competent CM.  

This CM is lost, this job is over his head for sure.  Of course he maybe getting coaching, but that is speculation.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Liar, Who Me?

  The mayors blog has a whole list of things labeled Lies.  Funny, he did not add this one.

 Mayor Baxter stated the city bought an additional 1 acre foot of water for $200, then corrected that to $300.
 Now a posts comes out where the Public Works Director submits a request to the Golf Course for $300, described as "Service".  The Golf Course submits an Invoice, titled Misc.  A blog suggested it must be for food and gang gatherings at the Golf Course, because there were 2 different invoices for $300 each and the Mayor had already stated the city only paid $300.
  Who is Lying now?

Next a citizens email Pam Dodson concerning the possibility of the $$ to the Golf Course was for Food and free golf carts.  Pam replied, NO, those invoices were for WATER for the pond.

Someone LIED!!!  Mayor said $300 to fill the pond, Pam says both invoices were for water to fill the pond.

  The Mayor said $300 so now they have to cover their tracks.  The PW Director submits the order called simply Services when he could have been OPEN a& TRANSPARENT and said the truth, Water.

  The Mayor can't double talk his way out of this.  The invoices have different numbers and the Golf Course check was for $600.

  There is a saying you can tell when a teenager is lying, it's when the teenager's lips are moving.

So here we have a LIAR calling the kettle black.  Very Disturbing I do believe.

Vote for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott and you will get the TRUTH.  Straight forward, OPEN and TRANSPARENT, down to earth Truth, Not Lies.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Water District - Fix our Streets

  Have you noticed how everyone on the Mayor's 'team' wants to run things like a business.  The current Water District is a business, albeit a non profit business, none the less it is a business.

  Now one of the hand picked candidates from Win Brook Estates, Fernando Richards says he want to run the Water District like a business.

                                                       Fernando Richards, aka Mayor's Pick

  The other hand picked mouth piece is Eugenia Snead.  She says she brings 30 years of Military experience to the board.  (The Mayor told her to emphasis that, Windcrest likes it) She wants a Capital Improvement Plan to replace failing streets.  Win Brook Estates streets have evidently met their life expectancy of 10 years and everything needs replacing.

The 3rd Candidate (now pictured) is a semi retired Army Col.  Sue Alexander.  Semi, because she thinks she still commands, and wants the Water District to march to her drum.  Oh, but it's the Mayor's Drum!!

Take note of these candidates.  No one of these candidates have 1 iota of Water Operations experience.  But, they only want the money for their Win Brook Estates streets I guess.

Keep the current Water Board Directors.  Vote MelRoy Brandt, Paul GreenWood and John Fagin to keep an experienced, qualified and proven Water Board in Windcrest!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Windcrest sues Water District #10

  Yes, you read it correctly.  On Oct 13, 2014, the City of Windcrest filed a law suit against Bexar County Water Control and Improvement District #10.  Then on Oct 20, 2014 the City Council meeting had an agenda item concerning the law suit.  How did that happen?  Cart before the hourse I do believe.
  Three citizens spoke during the Oct 20 council meeting crying, whining about the Water District purchasing property.  They asked council to "Do Something to Stop it."  Your council that represents all Windcrest residents apparently acted on what those two citizens said.  That's what is wrong with the current administration.  They promote their own agenda with total disregard for the rest of the residents wishes.  Not too long ago council was presented with a non binding petition signed by over 600 windcrest residents to leave the Water District alone.  Council is back at it.

 This latest law suit is a double whammy for the tax payers.  You pay property taxes to support this special agenda and your water rates pay to defend those that special agenda all because of two whiners.  Did you know you also paid for an attorney to sit (spectator) thru the entire 3 week trial of Gary Cain?  Yes, the same law firm that has this law suit.  This law firm also contributed to the Mayor failed attempt at County commissioner.  Pay back time I guess.

  Oh, did I fail to mention those two "Whiners" are also running for an elected positions.  You may want to strike those two from your list of candidates.

  The Water District board voted to purchase property so they can build at some future date.  As you know the City of Windcrest has a five year agreement for the Water District to rent space at City Hall.  I have no doubt when that agreement comes up for renewal the current administration and cronies will have new demands, threats etc

  Meanwhile the Water District has made an investment by purchasing property.  Why is the city against the Water District making an investment?   Most residents own their own home, the city owns their current buildings, why can't the Water District move to Own their own facility?  Sure seems like an excellent long term investment to me.

 Also comments were made that the newly purchase property was not zoned for commercial.  That is False, The part facing Randolph Blvd is already zoned Commercial!  They could start building tomorrow if they so desired.    Do you really want these "Half Cooked", misinformed candidates running your Water District?

  Vote for Mel Roy Brandt, Paul Greenwood and John Fagin,  for the Water District Board of Directors.  These three are level headed, seasoned veterans that are fully capable of keeping our Water District on the correct path.  

  Under their leadership the Water District has brought you the Superior Water System rating from the state of Texas.  They deserve a large part of the recent ISO change that qualifies homeowner for lower Insurance rates.

Vote Brandt, Greenwood and Fagin |Water District

  To compliment the Water District please Vote 

Dan Reese, Place  1 City Council
Henry Moncada, Place 2 City Council
Mike Scott, Place 3 City Council



Monday, October 13, 2014

More Slush Fund Action

  Did you know we have a new hire, yes, an individual was hired as a Project Manager?  He is being paid $2888.88 every two weeks.  (No idea where that amount came from).  That is $75,110.88 for the year (26 paydays)
  Did you know he was hired as PART TIME?  And being he was hired as part time a job application or resume was NOT required so the city does not have anything on record.
  You will not see his name anywhere in the financial records, just an entry for contract labor every two weeks.  This has to stop.

  The other "Slush Fund" activity involves another contractor.  This one is paid some $2750 per month, and the contract indicates "Not to exceed 20 hours per month."  That's $2750 for only 20 hours of work, and not even that much really, it could be less than 20 hours too.

  Did you read the San Antonio News about the Municipal Judges working less than 5 hours a day and one judge was quoted as saying, This is the sweetest Pig in town, don't say anything.  I've got news for San Antonio, I believe Windcrest is in the running for the the Sweetest Pig award.

  The current City Council approved both of the examples above last year and they both are still working in our City.  Oh, you will not see them often, if at all.  The new Project Manager after all does not have a contract or agreement detailing anything he does for the money.  He is part time, Not required, remember?

  Couple these two examples with the recent blog I read about our WEDC director getting some $90k from the EDC, plus receiving City employee health plan benefits for additional hours (doing??) for the mayor.  Then has the gall to submit an invoice for overtime, which was paid.  Paid, but out of the Special Legal Fees budget, not contractor work!

 Also, the WEDC Director is a Contractor, and is listed in the financial records as Colunga Consulting Group, LLC.  Then he also received the annual "Stipend" given to city employees.  Giving a stipend to a LLC sound a bit questionable.  You decide!


Monday, October 6, 2014

Windcrest Slush Fund for Cronies?

  Seems this administration has their very own "Slush Fund"!  

  Case in Point.

The WEDC hired Robert Colunga @ $90,000 as a contract employee.  The WEDC does not pay medical or benefits, just a straight contract for $90,000 working as the WEDC Director.

  Then Robert Colunga goes to Mayor Baxter and request Medical Benefits.  The Mayor and council, (Jim Shelton, Jake Jacobi and Pam Dodson voted for this) approved Resolution 2012-414(R) Colunga receiving city employee medical benefits.  The resolution said medical benefits for working an additional 8 hours per week.

  An open records request for a copy of the contract, agreement etc, for this additional 8 hours per week returned a letter stating, "The Resolution is the contract".

  Are you still with me?  Colunga now works for WEDC, I assume a 40 hour week, plus he works for the City an additonal 8 hours per week doing 'whatever'.

 Those are his TWO contracts.  Now in Feb 2014 Robert Colunga was paid and additional $1500.
The invoice says he worked additional hours.  Plus you will NOT find that $1500 under contract employment or anywhere you would recognize.

  He was paid $1500 out of SPECIAL LEGAL FEES. account!  Talk about hiding the numbers.  So much for being "Transparent" and "Open".  The budget has some $110,000 in 514-255
 Rafael Castillo, City Manager is responsible for maintaining a balanced budget.  He evidently sleept thru the ethics portion of those financial management classes.

I believe entering this transaction in the Special Legal Fees subcode reflects either a high level of incompetence, or a high level of corruption, take your pick. Either way the present administration condones this very odd management of our budget.

It is time to get control of the finances folks.  Jake Jacobi, Jim Shelton and Pam Dodson should be replaced.

  A Vote for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada, and Mike Scott can stop this nonsense.!